Thursday, April 7, 2011


The sun is out so that makes me happy! Our apartment looks like it is officially rented out so that makes me even happier!!! but I won't quite breathe until that rent check is in my hand:) Its been an exhausting process around here. its been a month and a half of showing after showing, disappointment after disappointment:( and last week we paid the two mortgage payments this month, and that hurt..a lot.. but today looks brighter in so many ways! My faith is continually challenged and just when I start to feel like i have hit the bottom of the bucket my spirit is renewed! I think that is why I have had a hard time blogging lately is I feel like there has been a wall up blocking my thoughts and emotions so I don't come undone..because I am a wife, a mom, a friend, a daughter, a sister, a tax payer, and employee, housekeeper...I don't have time to come undone:) So we keep truckin along..and soon one day I know that surviving will turn into thriving again around these parts!

I think one thing that has been helping me lately is I have been getting out lately. Seeing friends more, talking, laughing, loving..and being me..because I am pretty cool, and I have missed myself:)*grin* I am just saying..

and then there is this girl..

She's been talking a lot lately..I mean a lot..some somedays we dial papa, or uncle, or grandma and I hand her the phone and she goes to town:) Thats my girl..and I adore her..really adore her because she is just really cute right now..even though my brain hurts by the end of the day some days because she doesn't stop..all day:)...I just really like my kid, and that is such a great feeling:) She is becoming a little girl, and I am so loving this time with her..just me and my girl, hanging out, trying on shoes..painting mugs for papa's birthday..and so on:) She's up now, and daddy's home, so off to the park we go where the sun is before we have friends over for dinner tonight..see i am telling ya, the love fest just continues lately..and I love it:)!

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