Thursday, May 21, 2009

37 and a half weeks!

Well, the count down is still inside my belly apprently not quite ready to embrass this world...I don't blame her sometimes:) But on a day like today when the sun is shining...come on baby, run to the light!
Well, lets see what to update on.. again a big part of this rambling is so I can look back and compare one day to my next pregnancy and see the similarities and differences!
Anyways, I went from last week having this big burst of energy and baked like a mad woman for my granpda's this week feeling like crap! it started sunday night when I started getting really bad lower back pain that wouldn't go away, some decent contractions, but nothing regular. I know it was intense, and probably the closest thing to false labour in the sense I couldn't get to sleep at all! I laid there till 3am! When Dave finalyl heard my restling and pacing in the living room. We got this great free foamy rolling thing at a baby fair so he put it to work and rolled and massage my back. He got the tension out enough for me to be able to finally get to sleep...but I definetly felt horrible the next day! luckily it was a holiday so my poor hubby didn't have to get up early. These constant cramps and random contractions are starting to get a litlte annoying though...come on lets get on with the show:)*grin*
I had my doctors appointment yesterday, and I seem to have a pretty good grip on managing my sugar levels so that is good. Shocking(I say sarcastically) I got my results back from my strep b and i have be honest I started laughing and just shook my head, as the nurse told me. We both kind of giggled because right now its like what else! She said don't worry I wont test you for anything else:)
The funny part was when the doctor, who was a fill in doctor, was feelign my baby..head down in pelvis but not engaged yet..she gave him some serious attitude..apperently she doesn't like people grabbing her head and face..he laughed and thought it was funny. Dave just chuckled and said...i think someones got her mama's personality;)hehe
Yes Dave came with me too which was good as the doctor wanted to walk us through labour a bit..poor guy, I think it gave him a better understanding of stuff, but scared him a bit too...well just the transition stage...doesn't sound like a party to me either, but hey, we will get through the grace of God:) And than I will finally get to meet, kiss and hold my baby..... I can't wait!! literally, I count the days!


The Samy's said...

Just wanted to check in and see how you are doing???

Crystal said...

hey girl, I am hanging in there;) trying to enjoy the sunshine while i can!!