Monday, June 1, 2009

39 weeks...counting days:)

Well, I am one step closer...I am now counting days not weeks until this little one makes its appearance! In some ways its hard to believe that we are almost there, and in other ways it feels like this has been the longest nine months ever and I can't wait for this one to make her arrival!! She's got lots and lots of people who want to give her lots of kisses that is for sure!
This heat is making the days a little bit more interesting, but thank God for air conditioning in our bedroom...its our retreat! I am trying to stay positive and overall I have to say I feel pretty peaceful about everything even labour as I just want to get on with it:) If you could keep me in your prayers though, the one thing I am a little fearful is an induction..just because from what I hear...its not pleasant. I know everyone is different, but overall, it does scare me a little please please pray that this little one makes its appearance soon and on her own will! Hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful weather!!!


Christy said...

Praying for you! I guess if can advice you of anything, just be patient and even if you go overdue enjoy the extra time you have to yourself.....the baby WILL come. And don't allow yourself to be pressured either - hospitals talk a lot about protocol but it's YOUR body and you DO have a choice to say NO. Each and every medical intervention comes along with a set of risks to baby. You are going to do so great Crystal! Be confident in your body and it's God-given ability do bring that baby into this world!

Shawna said...

Thinking of you and praying for you even more. It's such a wonderful time, even the overdue time if you get there, I second Christy's comments.

Crystal: I have no doubt you will do fabulous through the whole birthing process and I know you will be an AMAZING mama to this "planned from above" blessing!