Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Bully at the playground

So i have a situation that I would love your opinions on:)

So today I took Addy to go meet her little friends at McDonalds. They have a lovely little play room that traps the kids inside and they can run free. Now, I realized once we got there that my little is a bit young for this type of thing but we were making it work. Anyways, obviously there were other kids there of all ages. So there was this one little girl..I am going to say she was 4ish?? With her grandparents I am guessing?? Anyways..get to the point...well the point is that she shoved Addy over while I was standing right there. I was a little shocked, and it caught me off guard. Addy didn't seem to be too fazed by this so she kept going and I just politely and calmly said to the little girl, please don't push sweetie..meanwhile in my head I had a few other choice words. Well, later on Addy went climbing up the stairs, and I followed, as again she is still a little bit to little and I don't trust her on those things. The "shover" was at the top of the stair as the little kids were coming up. I said to her be careful sweetie the little kids are coming up..still calm and polite at this point..and all of a sudden she shoves Addy in the face. Now if I hadn't been there, my child would have proceeded to go flying down the stairs backwards. Tears came this time, and I took her away immediately...poor little thing had even a scratch on her face from this kid. So heres the thing..I was annoyed..I know it was a kid but I was annoyed. I know she was with her grandparents..but I was annoyed. So my question is, what would you have done?? A part of me wanted to tell her grandparents, part of me wanted to say something to the kid, but she isn't my kid...but instead I just walked away..because I am new to this whole thing:) Now, I am all for kids, of the same age working stuff out, fighting over toys, learning how to share, or not share because they just aren't there yet...but physical stuff, that just doesn't sit right with me. Anyways, anyone else have something like this happen? What did you do, or what would you do? And yes I know my kid is going to have run ins in life, and I an't always protect her...but you know, when you are standing right there, and thats your sucks!


Christy said...

That is at tough one.....I think I would have spoken to the grandparents. If it was just the one shove, that's one thing but had you not been there, your sweetie would have been hurt and that's not something that should go un-mentioned.
But good for you for keeping your cool mamma!

Shawna said...

What I would have done, what I would have done based on being the parent who's child has pushed, hit, kicked others while in a public playground, as well as been the receiver of having this done to my kids; I would have responded to the aggressor (other child) as I would my own, with a firm tone, and immediately. "You need to come down right now" - more than likely she would have. I would have walked her over to her guardian and stated what just happened. With as little emotion as possible, knowing full well that they will be horrified (or should be). And then just say, I just wanted to let you know this is what happened. Addy is fine, but if I wasn't right there it could have been terrible.

Most people with half a brain, will apologize and give their (grand) child a ear wagging...or discipline them, or others will do nothing - that is up to them.

But it is your duty to guard your child especially if you were there to see it.

What would you have expected of another mom had this happen to their child by Addy?

I had to remove Jacob from a public (indoor) playground because he was punching kids, it's totally embarrassing to be "that Mom" but it's a fact of life, kids push and fight for their place in this world just as much as adults do, however sometimes in not socially acceptable ways, like hitting etc.

I have also had to confront a little one while in McD's playplace as well, and I spoke to them as my own and told them to get down right now...the poor Mom was humiliated, but I said to her, don't worry I've had my fair share, and it's only right that Jacob got what he had dealt just months prior. Then finished the convo with "it really does take a village".

I hope this helps, as Addy grows up more, you will have to deal with so much of this. The best you can do is talk to her about it, tell her that it wasn't okay and re-affirm the way you want her to be with her friends.

Love and hugs, this growing up thing is for the dogs ;)

Crystal said...

thanks girls, I appreciate the support and advice! And yes shawna..its so true..some days growing up really sucks the big one!

Nadine said...

I don't have any advice, as I've never been there before (well except maybe in my own experience as a child or a babysitter - and then you really don't have much of a leg to stand on).

BUT, I have to say, I'm proud of you for being so cool about the situation. I know that must have been tough for you. I can only imagine how much you wanted to say and how tough it was to walk away, but for the moment you did what you felt was going to be the solution. And thank God you were there with her.