Sunday, August 9, 2009

Oh Breastfeeding..

How fast my world has become centered around the world of boobs! I remember hearing that breastfeeding was tricky, but who knew that after almost two months of motherhood I would say that the hardest part for me has been everything centered around feeding this peanut!

So, for my record and for a heads up to future mamas, and a reminsent to those who are done this faze permanently or temporarily, here are my love hates of this process!

So lets start with the negatives first and than end with some positives;)!

-well, the first would be the first couple of weeks of breastfeeding. At first my Addy was tongue tied. She had a great latch, but sucking properly was a little trickier. so for the first week, she didn't eat as frequently but it felt like it took forever. I remember the first couple of weeks dreading the middle of the nights because i knew I could be up sometimes for a couple of hours for one was exhausting. And frustrating because you are so worried that your baby isn't getting enough food. And Addy wasn't as she lost a lot of weight the first week. but slowly she got better, and at 9 days we took her to the doctors and got her tongue tied snipped..and after that, watch out batman..nothing could stop this one from eating...all the time!!
-So yes, the first month or so, I literally felt like all i did was feed. This one wanted to eat every hour sometimes..she was like a permanent cluster feeder! I called the nurse cause I was like what the she not getting enough? Well part of it I know had to do with the fact that my let down came like a fire house..and I could have fed a nursery of she was getting too much front milk and not the calorie rich back stuff, so I did block feed her and still do..meaning I feed her a couple of times on one side to make sure she gets it all! And obviously it is working, because from the pictures you can see that my little monkey is becoming a little chunker..and i love it!!! She know eats every couple of hours in the day and at night still cluster feeds for nightime!! Which I am good with because she sleeps pretty good at night..not through the night yet..but hopefully soon:!)
-Oh spit up..I hate you..yes I have a barfer..its my new accesory:)! but, as I have been told, this too shal pass!
-Gas!!!! I know i have mentioned this before but it is my enemy and addys! I hate it:) I hate when it makes her cry so hard as she is trying to work it out..and can't wait till its passed..but again I am told, this too shal I am happy about that!!!

Now, the positive!!

-I love the bonding of breast feeding, its so special, and the one thing that only her and I can share!! I love that!!
-I love how she holds on to my bra or shirt in the middle for dear life, like don't take it away from me mom!!
-I love when she is so hungry all i have to do is move her into the eating position and she hyper ventilates with excitement as she knows its coming!!
-I love when she is getting to the end and is just sort of playing, she sometimes will pause and look up at me with the biggest smile on her face!!
-I love the drunk milk satisfied look they get when they are done..its the best!!
-Best diet I have ever been on!!!

I had one friend ask me how long i plan on doing this..I said, hopefully a year is my plan. She asked if I thought I would last that long(she has a baby addy's age), and the funny thing as hard as it can be sometimes, the thought of giving it up or her one day just weening herself makes me so I know I cherish this time, and I am going to enjoy it as long as it lasts!!!


Jessi said...

I'm glad you're loving it...I personally would rather pump and bottle feed...but it was so handy to be able to nurse at night...I love all her chucky-ness...hopefully I'll get to see you both tomorrow night, still trying to arrange it with Dean's practice schedule!

The Samy's said...

Oh,breastfeeding! I have a post coming up about that too. Its funny how things revolve around that ah? haha.