Monday, June 28, 2010

Oregon Coast

After what has been a very exhausting start to 2010, we decided that it was time to take a break and regroup. I am still on the job hunt, and figuring its not the best idea to start a new job than go on vacation we figured lets get out of here while we can! So, with no passport for baby, we picked on of the most beautiful places close by that was as cost effective as possible, and off we went to the lovely tax free oregon coast!
We stayed a week and had a great time!!
Devils punch bowl. An awesome lookout spot we found between Newport where we stayed, and loved, and lincoln city.

It was Dave's birthday yesterday so part of his present was this trip, and a dune buggy adventure on the amazing sand dunes. I offered for him to go quading by himself but he wanted to do something as a family, and amazingly enough we found this place that would allow babies on!! woohoo! it was so much fun, and addy loved it too! nothing like driving on the beach with the sound of the waves next to you!
Our little beach bum! she LOVED the beach! A little too everytime we got close to it she would start to whine begging daddy to put her down so she could go be free..oh and chase dogs and seaguls:)

One of the most amazing sites we saw! it was a gorgeous day, and a gorgeous beach! SO neat to see all the surfers out there!

Sea Lion Caves!

Chillin on the warf

The Aquirium where you can sleep under the sharks!!

The view from our room! Dave's dream to go to Red Lobster finally came true. And the verdict..Dave needs to get some better dreams:) but we are glad we did it!!


Jessi said...

Looks like you had fun in my home state! I love the Oregon coast, no coast line like it around! So happy that the weather looks like it cooperated with you guys! And I agree with you, Red Lobster is not my idea of good food! Dean watches the commercials up here and wants to try it, I tell him he'd have better luck getting good seafood at Wendy's! Happy belated b-day Dave!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a wonderful get away! Thank you for your comment on my old blog! Here is my new link:

I was wondering where to get good kids shoes/flip flops out here!!

I hope we can meet up!