Friday, December 10, 2010

18 months

18 months is just 5 days away...18 months...almost two..not a baby anymore...18 months..

I am loving this age. OK, I say that about every age because its true;) We are starting to enter the world of temper tantrums now, not going to lie, but besides that, she is so much fun. Such a joy, so full of life, love and personality. I had one of those moments the other day where a tear flowed down my cheek as I watched this little person evolve. She was holding her little lamb stuffed animal, and I asked her if lamby was tired and if she would rock her to sleep. she proceded to rock lamby back and forth while patting her bum than looked down at lamby gave her a kiss and proceded to rock her again...melt this mommy's heart! I love that she has learned that from me, and I have showed her that; hey I am doing something right!:) and a big part of it is also just how God created us. He designed us to love and nurture and comfort, and she is already doing such a great job at that:)

She is also full of words, and amazes me daily at her smarts. recognizing family members in pictures coming out with new words every day, making up things to do to entertain herself, laughing at herself, and us! busy, busy, and more busy! I love this girl, and am so grateful this christmas more than ever to have had God entrust me with her...18 months, lets see where the next six take us!

1 comment:

Christy said...

She is so super cute! It just keeps getting better!