Wednesday, January 26, 2011

word for 2011

So it hit me like a lighting bult..straight into my heart, my word for this year. I have been thinking about it these last few weeks off and on, reading fellow bloggers words, thinking if I could even come up with one, and I did. Last years word for me was create, and I did feel that I attempted to fullfill it. I tried different crafts, classes and such. But mostly i think I succeeded in creating a home where my family wants to be, and that i am most proud of. So many many many things have been flooding my mind lately, and they need to start coming out..because thats how it works with me. Kind of like vomit..I know not the nicest visual but its just how it is with me. Quick and violent:) Oh but I feel so much better when I talk stuff out! Ok, anyways, lets move away from my nasty analogy and on to my new word. So one of the things that has been flooding my heart and mind lately is what is this year going to look like. This past month with its winter rainy gloom is starting to take its toll on me. I start to feel hopeless and worn out, and not sure how I am going to move forward into the newness this year has for me, and how to get excited about it. I get overwhelmed looking around my home and how I want to take it to that next level..all these things i think I need for it. How I want to take trips, and create fun family experiences, and do more than just pay my bills. But than I am reminded of the reality of our situation, and it tugs me back. To that place, of uncertainty and restlessness. I need to start learnign how to work with what I got, and making it rock! The other thing that I have been thinking a lot about lately, or feeling more like, is how worn out I am. One thing I have struggled with since I got married was having this whole new world of people, and a totally new focus, but an old world that demands and wants my time and attention. I didn't know how to balance it. Now being back to work, I haven't really had a choice, because quite frankly there is just no time to be spread thin:) But at the same time I don't want to loose what i have spent so many years investing in. But the reality is that marriage does change things, friendships being the biggest one. Its just different, not better or worse, just different. Ok, so on to my word. Well, with not having as much time to spread thin, I want to go deeper. I want to focus on a few, and go deep and rich and have that circle of love that you know in a heartbeat those people will be there for you. So my hit me straight in my face tonight..."relationships". That is my focus for this year, my realationship with God, my hubby, my girl, my family, and my friends. I want to go deeper and build memories without wasting my time focusing on the things that I don't have in this world, but instead the amazing people that I do.


Nadine said...

That is perfect! I love that it hit you so hard, shows you that it's a God thing. :)

Christy said...

I bet that feels better! Thanks for being so open and transparent.