Thursday, June 23, 2011

Addy turns two!

Two weekends ago now, we celebrated my baby girls second birthday! It was a three day long celebration! Friday night started with dave's side of the family, and celebrating Addy, my niece and nephew, as their birthdays are all within 5 days! Saturday was her friends birthday party:) We got plagged with illness which made the party a bit smaller than expected, but it was nice and intimate without too many that is a pretty successful toddler party as I am learning now a day! We are so grateful to have so many great friends to celebrate our girls life with and so many great friends to walk this journey of parenthood with! Sunday, was day three, my famil, and our little one was quite puckered out. After church she opened presents and than went right to bed:) So we had a nice quiet adult conversation around the lunch table, and after she woke up we sang happy birthday and had more cupcakes..her favorite!!!

I can't believe my girl is two. It feels like yesterday and forever all at the same time that I have know this girl. At two years old, she is one smart cookie:) She has an amazing vocabulary and comprehnsion skills. She is full of joy and laughter, but a sensitive soul too. She is shy at times, and crazy at other times. She loves to sing, and walk her babies, read books, and run around! She loves out side, adores minnie mouse, and elmo too:) She is truely 100% the best thing I have ever done in my life! She is our joy, our light in the dark days, the thing that keeps me striving to better to do more, and to make this world a better place for her! Addyson grace, there are no words to truely cup is overflowing with love for you..and may you always know it!

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