Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Dressing ourselves:)

Addy chilling with her cuz:)
Imitating of her favorites right now:)

Putting iggle piggle to bed:) her new thing, playing make believe..I love it!

Sometimes we wear boots with pajamas because we are cool like that!

we also like to wear our canucks hat backwards with our oatmeal, again because we are cool:)

Basically we just like to wear our hat backwards all the time:)

And we like to walk like an old man in our moms wedding shoes:)

Well this is an update post on life. Its been a while:) but when I looked at the pictures over the last month, I realized that they had a almost two year old dressing herself! Crazy girl:) Never a dull moment in our household..never;)!

May was another busy month for suprise there! Its amazing how much my life has changed in the past 5 years, and to be honest I don't think I have caught up to it yet..hopefully one of these days I will:) but for now, we keep going! May was overall a good month, from what I can remember. Between the exhausted, the wondering of whats going to come next and everything else that life brings, there was some fun moments. I started to get out more, which was good. I mean with work and everything I am out ALOT, but not fun out:) I started to play a bit, go out with my hubby to hear our friends band, see a movie with my girls, dinner out, girlsnights was good. I need more of that in my life, it really does fuel my fire for life as I am a people person. Sometimes I just have to remind myself of that. but its hard, a never ending learning to balance it the guilt of working three nights of week tells me I should stay home, or not leave Addy with nana again so I can escape for a bit with Dave..I fight it to remind myself, don't forget about you..because without you..meaning me, this ship doesn't keep sailing!:) so I have to continuely remind myself, like most of us mommies out there do; its ok, its ok to still want to have a life, live it, and love it!

So with that we move into June. Which has had an intersting start. We have got smacked down with some lovely car bills the last few months, another one coming, and than on top of the so much uncertainty regarding Dave's job. He was off for awhile which at this point means I will be taking a week off in July by myself, but he went back to work yesterday. and I praise God for that! I definetly can focus on the things that seem to continuely don't want to go "our" way but I am constantly reminded to be grateful for all the good in my life, and the blessings that do over flow..but its hard, I am human, I am selfish, and some days its just dang hard! But I know most of the time thats just fatigue talking, pure, exhaustion. So i give myself a cup of grace, and move forward, because all the good is in moving forward, perserving, finding the hope and loving what you have been given to love in this moment. We have lots of birthday celebrating to do this week, and that is so exciting! Addy turns two next week so this weekend will be FULL of celebrating, so I will be back with the updates on all that!

This is my something to love;) And its a pretty good something to love...good things to come in fair skinned, blue eyed little packages..she keeps my heart going every day:)


Christy said...

She is looking so very grown up! Thanks for all the pictures :)

Jessi said...

Thanks for the update Crystal! Addy is such a little girl, love her bangs too! I hear ya, these past few years have flown by for us, I mean my kid is about to enter grade 1!!!

Laura said...

Cute pics!
I can totally relate to not getting enough time out - especially date nights with the hubby. I too feel like I use my "free babysitting" enough with work, so I don't want to ask for an extra evening/day. But it's so important to keep the spark in the marriage! Thanks for the reminder and to know I'm not alone in those feelings.