Saturday, January 10, 2009

I am in love~


Nadine said...

Me too!! I just can't wait to meet the little one.

Aunty and uncle love baby so much already!! We had moment yesterday after you called to let everything set in our minds. We pray for you guys everyday!! Love you so much!!!

Laura said...

Looks like such a cute little baby in there! Can't believe how "real" the ultrasound pictures make everything seem. I look forward to hearing about how Dave was during the ultrasound!! Looks like our prayers were answered and Baby was in a good position, your pictures are so great! What was the heart rate this time?

Christy said...

First amazing! Thanks for your comment. I would definitely recommend a midwife if you can for your next baby. The care is absolutely unmatchable! As for labour thing that my widwife told me to do religiously during your last couple months is to be sure to ALWAYS sit up straight on your "bum bones". When you sit like that your pelvis is on a slight angle and it that position the baby has lots of room for it's face to drop in properly aka you avoid back labour and an improperly positioned baby. When you slouch your pelvis sits level which gives the baby's face lots of room in the front and it will drop in backwards. She also got me to spend a little time during my labour standing with my arms and forehead resting on the bed, swaying back and forth which was also great.
I remember after every contraction she would remind me that I never had to have that contraction again, it was over and before every contraction she would tell me to take a deep breath for me and a deep breath for my baby and to focus on my baby during the contraction.
Just rememeber that God built you to give birth, you were MADE for it and CAN do it, just like so many mommies have before you! Be strong in you womanhood!

Amanda said...

Such a cute little baby! I love 'it' already too!! Hurry up and grow bigger little one so we can meet you soon!
Love, *Aunty Amanda

The Samy's said...

WOW! What a beautiful picture!!! Ahhh, I am in love already too. Little babies have a way to melt the heart. Glad to see that everything is going well and the little blessing is growing just the way got created it to do so. Did you guys find out the sex of the baby or is it going to be a surprise?

Crystal said...

Those are awesome tips, thank's Christy!

Elyshia-we are hoping to find out. I have my doctors appointment on the 23rd so we hopefully will know than. Its just a matter of whether she got a good Shot of the family jewels:)hehe

Shawna said...

Beautiful, there really is nothing like it!

Congratulations on finding out what colour your world will be, can't wait to hear!

Laura said...

I know I already commented... but wanted to add to the tips you got from Christy! I've never gone through labour but have heard nothing but good things about the book "Supernatural Childbirth" and know a few ladies who have had pain-free deliveries (the author of the book had 2). Might be something to check out! :)

The Samy's said...

I would have to agree with Laura, I have the book and there are some helpful hints in there. I will let you know in a few months and give you some tips =)