Well, its been TWO whole weeks since I finished work! That's pretty exciting how fast its gone:)
I thought I would be bored by now in some ways because I am not a really go with the flow type person, and like routine very much, so having all this free time was a little overwhelming at first. But as always, I always seem to keep myself busy, and of course life just happens too!
Easter long weekend was full of family events and multiple birthdays! Since than, some days I wonder what the heck I do, but overall I have been busy running random errands and visiting friends that live a good trek away, since pretty soon I won't be going anywhere! Plus I get more and more tired, and am quite sick of commuting!blah! I have also been enjoying the arrival of our friends new baby and helping her out when I can as she has a new born and a 15 month. Her mom arrives from Germany on the 7th of May, so that will be good, but basically she's been on her own while her hubby works:) I have also been doing many walks with my other dear friend who was due on tuesday! She is waiting patiently. We went for a walk today though, and contractions were 10 min apart...so hopefully there is progress and tomorrow or sunday I will get to meet her precious baby!! Such an exciting time!!!
I have a list of stuff in my head that I want to do...some days it gets done, other days I could just prefer to stay in bed:) I definitely much prefer being at home than I did being at work with my condition, but at the same time, I do miss being around people! The good news is that I appreciate my hubby so much more and can't wait for him to get home at the end of the day so we can hang out:) I guess I am also really working on cherrishing this time together alone before my little blessing arrives!
One of my favorite things to do right now is get up in the morning, get my breakfast, curl up in a chair and do my devotions...its so peaceful.
This weekend will be all about getting the baby's room ready. I attempted to wash the walls today in the room, but got bored!hehe So I am going to finish it with Dave tomorrow and than we are going to paint! I can't wait. I like my house to be peaceful and organized and right now it definetly is not, so I am very much looking forward to the room being done, and the house to be cleaned and ready for my baby to arrive!
We are trying to get some good quality dates in as well in the next month. Tomorrow night is dinner and a movie....I will be back with a review for you on Monday!!
As for my belly, well it continues to expand:) Sometimes it looks like it has shrunk, but that's usually when its in a lovely braxtion hick(which are non stop all day*grin*) other people basically are asking me why I am not at the hosptial having my baby:) to be honest though, I totally am not offended at all. I think its funny! Cause I know its just my belly and the rest of me hasn't expanded like a whale. The only time I get a little annoyed is when they tell me I am havign a big baby...That's when I say curse words in my head:)*Grin*
Anyways, thats my rambling update on life...have an awesome weekend!