Monday, April 27, 2009

my favorites right now!

Yes its true I have lots of free time right now;)hehe So here is a few things that I thought I would share that I love right now!

Ok, well I do love my belly and whats inside but that's not why I am posting it..but here it is at 34 weeks!!!! Some days it does look smaller now because I find its narrower and pointer, but I think that has a lot to do with the fact that I have lots of braxton hicks so its in a contraction for half the day!! Anyways, but what I love are these mat pants! They are the scoop belly style where there is no elestic in the back just regular material!
I got these capris the other day from Thyme, but a month or so ago I bought another pair of Jeans from Wal mart, the george line maternity, just like these and they are my favorite maternity jeans!!! and they were only $25!!! Well, these capris were more because we all know how expensive Thyme is, but I needed them! its getting hot out...ok, well I am just overheating!

I bought this bible for us for valentines day and well we finally popped it open last night...and I love it! We have been trying to look for a good devotional, but wanted something with Depth, well we found it with this one! I love that its the actual bible, and there are daily readings and weekend discussions. It basically relates everything in the bible to our marriage! its fantastic! Last night we decided to start in Psalms, and read the weekend read and discussion and it was all about the bible and its stance on birth control. It also brought up some tough but really good questions, like what if we lost a child after we were "done" would we have another one, therefore, what form of birth control do we want to use in the future...stuff like that;) obviously things you don't really want to talk about, but so important! So yes, I really really recommend it, and as we read on I will try and come back and share more stuff that I love about it!! oh and I found it at House of James in abbotsford:)

Ok, well as I have entered nesting terrritory, this little guy has become my new best friend! our whole apartment is laminent and it feels like I can never keep it clean. So this $32 purchase was the best investment ever, because its easy and efficient enough to use every day! i recommended it to both my sister in laws, and as far as i know they are loving it too!!

Ok, so its not this type shown in the picture above, but Dove has a new line of energizing body washes and I am in love!! It was only $3.5 at walmart, compared to some other brands that go above the $6 mark. I bought the nectar and white ginger one and it smells fantastic!!! Also, I am kind of a label junky, and a firm believer in quality. Well, with a baby on the way, and income decressed I have had to become a little bit more frugal, so no more biolage and AG for awhile, but I am ok with that, because i can't rave enough about Dove's new shampoo's and conidtioners....they are fantastic:) Ok, so I think I have raved enough about this company. I guess why I love them too is because of their whole self esteem campaing, I believe they are doing amazing things for young girls!!!
Ok, well that is it for now, I am off to the hospital to meet an new precious baby boy!!!!!


Nadine said...

I love, love, love my swiffer vac. It's the best thing ever! So much easier then lugging the big vacuum around. With our little pup, it's great! Thanks for the recommendation.

That bible sounds awesome! I might have to pick one of those up.

Christy said...

Alright....first off your tummy is too cute. Second, that bible sounds great. So glad you found something that will nourish your marriage! Third, I honestly use my Swiffer Vac at least three times a day (with a shedding cat and crawling baby....bad combo) I actually managed to kill it in about a year and a half with my constant use. And....I've been using the Dove Cream Oil line for a while and I love it! I stopped and smelled the nectar scented wash and almost bought it! SO yummy...did you know they've got a promotion running that when you buy two items (and fill out the online form) they will send you a FREE pair of pajama pants? I got the purple ones. Hit up their website. And I'm will you on the Self-Esteem thing. Even though you are spending a little more, it's nice to know some of it's being used for something good!

The Samy's said...

I am so in love with that belly shot!!! Too cute. Pretty soon missy, time is flying by!

Laura said...

Your belly is getting more pointy! Yay for braxton hicks - making your body ready :)
Keep us posted on things you learn from that devo Bible, it sounds great!
I have the Swiffer Vac too... LOVE it! My floors are much cleaner now :)
I love Dove products too, and their Campaign for Real Beauty. My doctor actually recommends the baby line too, especially if your baby has sensitive skin - and it's not nearly as expensive as some lines! I'm liking that tip from Christy, I think I'll have to go check out Dove's website!

Anonymous said...

I love your tummy xoxoxo