Monday, June 22, 2009

Im back!

Our little sweet pea:)

Well, its hard to believe that it has already been a week since my baby girl made her appearance! And oh what a week it has been:)

Last Monday morning I woke up around 4am..anxious about my induction but also starting to have some more intense and rythemic contractions. I laid around for about an hour but couldn't take it anymore so I called the hospital..praise the lord they could have me come in at 7:30am! So we patiently waited around..and what seemed like hours, we finally made our way to the hospital. They put me on the stress test for a bit, and it was picking up some good contractions. So at about 8:30am the doctor came in and inserted the gel to get things going. I laid there for about a half an hour..and right away started to get some cramping. They sent us home to come back at 1:30pm to do it again. But on the way home the contractions got stronger and more consistant at 5 min apart. I was also having really bad back pain and cramps. So after three hours being at home, taking a warm back I decided that I wanted to go back as I wasn't getting any relief in between contractions because of the back pain. I called the hospital and they said I could come back. So about 12:30pm we arrived. I was really hoping they weren't going to send me back home..thank God they didn't. by the time we got there and got things set up I was already having them 2-3 min apart. I was also pretty dehydrated so they set up my iv. Once they did that I knew, this is it! my mom got there about an hour later..and things were really progressing..not in the dialation process but in the pain part! I was still at 3cm which i was the week after a couple hours of not progressing they broke my water. After that...look out. Within a couple hours I was at 7Cm! it was about 4pm and things were going good..I was managing the pain, and the nurse was feeling confident that I would have my baby before the end of her shift at 7pm. Well I did, but just not they way I had planned;) For the next couple of hours, I was having back to back breaks in between, plus back labour:( turns out my little missy was posterior, and pushing in all the wrong spots. I had a couple shots of Fentalyn(sp), but all that did was give me a few seconds to breathe in between contractions. At 6pmish the doctor came bach to check me, as I was on all fours trying to get the baby to move..but she wasn't. The doctor was concerned as my water was green when they broke it and I was stuck at 7cm. They brought in the obgyn, and I could tell by his voice he didn't like the way things were going. Addyson was not just posterior now but starting to go back up! She really didn't want to come out:) So we made the decision that C-section was the best way to go for all parties..I have to tell ya, getting that spinal, was the best feeling in the world! what a miracle worker:) The surgery went so well and so smooth, and i felt so much peace. And at 7pm my baby girl appeared!! all 8.8 pounds of her and 21.5cm(and you wonder why my 5'1 frame was so uncomfortable. Dave laughed at me as I guess the first thing I said when I saw her was I can't believe that came out of me!

Dave took my baby to meet the family and I got to come see them for a split second before they took me to recovery. I have to say that was the hardest part of it all, not being able to see there faces the first time they held my girl:) But she is here and healthy and that is all that matters. That first night Was the most amazing night, as I just couldn't sleep or put her down, I just wanted to hold I did:)

The second night in the hospital wasn't so pretty as there were 5 babies born that day and the rooms were overcroweded, my nice private room was invaded with some young "interesting" people, who decided to have drunk friends visit the next day! So after many tears to the nurses I was able to get my own private room again for the third night..what a difference!! Thursday morning we came home! Both Dave and i walked in the door and were overcome with emotion that she was here, she was finally here;)!

Yesterday was amazing being able to wish my hubby happy fathers day:)! He is so in love with his little girl and it is so amazing to see! We are so blessed and overwhelmed with love, joy, tears, exhaustion..everything! Thanks everyone for your prayers, I know they were heard;)!
Some pics of her finished Room!!
Her Closet!!


Christy said...

Awww...made me shed a few tears Crystal! What an exciting story....I remember that first night so well. I'd taken some Advil and T3's to help with swelling and pain and hoping it would help me sleep. NO MAAM! Everyone had left our house by about 2:00 but I was just running on so much adrenaline and couldn't stop looking at this little person! Remember to ask for help and sleep when she sleeps. It's such a wonderful adventure you've undertaken. I'm praying for you and Dave!

Amanda said...

Happy Father's Day Dave!!!

I still shed a tear reading this even though you already told me it at the hospital! I love hearing it.

I am on holidays next week but want to come visit so lets do something the following week (July 5-11th) okay!! I love you!

The Samy's said...

She looks just like you!!!!! What a little angel! I can't wait to meet her in real life and give her a big cuddle. I am so proud of you, you did excellent on your big day! Love the room as well, so sweet. Im still working on Nevaeh's :s
Post more pictures real soon and don't be a bad blogger like me, I need updates girl of your precious little one =)

Laura said...

Oh, I just love her. She's so adorable!! And good job for posting already! :) It's good to hear from you and some more details. I'm so looking forward to visiting you guys and seeing Addy in her home :)

Nadine said...

There's my little snuggle bug. I'm having withdrawls and I get to see her again on Saturday.

I love her room, it's so peaceful and precious, I'm with Mom B on wanting a room just like it! Auntie and Uncle are going to fill up her closet even more! Heehee

Hugs and kisses to my little sweetie pie. We love you all so much.