Thursday, June 11, 2009


Well, today was a better doctors appointment..a little more encouraging to say the least as I have progressed a wee bit more and now am sitting at 3cm dialiated..I was two on maybe I am just having the longest labour ever!hehe Anyways, if you gals can continue to keep us in prayer I would greatly appreciate it! what we are praying especially for right now is this baby making her apperance by saturday, the reason being is that Dave's dad has to leave for work(out of town for the week) on sat..and we really dont want him to miss this!
Anyways, so that is our the next 48 hours someone needs to make their apperance!
If this doesn't happen than the next stage is I have my induction booked for if we get to that point, just pray I get in on Monday and that the hospital isn't too busy!

Thanks everyone...I really really appreciate it!


Jessi said...
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Jessi said...

You know the two words I have for you...and I'll just leave it at that...CASTOR OIL!

Laura said...

Praying, praying... :) Can't wait!!

Christy said...

Thinking of you Crystal! Here's hoping baby will come soon so you don't have to be induced!