Monday, October 5, 2009

27 Years Later

almost 27 years ago I wore this little red sleeper. My mom has me attempting to sit up on their be at about the same age wearing this little outfit. How precious and special it is and so hard to believe that almost 27 years later my baby girl is wearing it and doing the exact same thing. Once I can find my picture I will scan it and post it so you can see the resemblance and compare:)!


Christy said...

It's amazing how much she looks like her daddy! And that red hair....I would like to meet her some day :)

Nadine said...

Look at her!!! She's so strong! I love her outfit.

Jessi said...

Is it me or does Addy's hair look red??? She's so cute-can't believe that she's trying to sit up already!

Crystal said...

Yes Christy that would be so fun! we need a "blog" get together one of these days:)

Jessi, she totally has red in her hair;) it comes out in the when I take pictures too:) Not sure how that happened, but my dad had auburn hair at one point..its the irish in her coming out I guess!

Laura said...

I would LOVE to see a baby picture of you (and Dave!) next to Addy!