Monday, November 16, 2009

Random thought number 1

its late, and this is when my brain usually decides it wants to work. its quite annoying actually..most of the time! So, Dave and I started a parenting seminar at our church last week. It goes for four weeks. Yes its true we have an out of control 5 month old who needs lots of discipline...just kidding:) The truth is that we want the proper tools now so that we are being pro active and not reactive to how we want to raise our kids. The title of this seminar is how to raise healthy kids in a destructive world..or something like that. Anyways, the first week was great. We are already off to a good start in the learning curve. What they talked about seems like such basic concepts. how to raise good kids, start with being a good role model. Be who you want them to be..easier said than done..right?? The one challenge that the speaker said was to come up with one thing that you would like to change about yourself so that your children won't follow the bad trait..if you could do just one..have you thought of what it would be??

The other thing he talked about was staying focused. Focused on the goal. So what is it?
My question to you is that have you ever sat down as a family and come up with a mission statement?? what do you think of this idea?? Having a family plan, or a couple plan. The core of it comes down to in many ways one targeted thing for us, to raise our chilren to be like christ. So if we can keep everything we do focused on that wouldn't you say we would be off to a good start changing our world, one little person at a time? I think so! so that is our goal. one we will fail at probably every day, but every day we will pick ourselves up and keep trying!

The other thing that the speaker talked about that I love. Well, more of a retorical question I guess..we are we spending so much time focused on making this 100 or less years be the priority when we have a whole eternity ahead. how many hours in the day do we plan for that?


Nadine said...

These things are so much to think about and how to apply it to our lives. You're getting a lot of great tools for not only your family but for your relationship with God and your family and friends. All great areas of our lives that need the most work.

I love the idea of a mission statement.

Thanks for the thoughts to ponder!

Laura said...

I like the idea of a family/couple mission statement too! Good to have something like that to refer to when making a decision or having a disagreement, etc. Make sure your decisions line up with your mission statement!
So true... I think both the best and the worst traits we pick up are from our parents. Definitely not an easy task to live up to - thank God for much grace!! And when we mess up, we can just think of those times as teaching opportunities. Good for children to learn humility and forgiveness too, right? :)
The course sounds so good! I'm glad you guys are taking it... and that you're passing these nuggets on to us :)

Christy said...

Sounds like a great seminar and good for you for seeking advice and wisdom.
Parenting sure isn't easy but we're finding consistency and starting early are working really great.