Thursday, September 16, 2010

Hats, headbands and head banging

Here's a few random pictures of recent. Right now, and hopefully for a long time to come, one of addyson's favorite things to do is hug her daddy. Ok, well she just loves to hug in general, but especially after her bath, while looking in the mirror she wraps her little arms around her daddy's neck and squeezes..I love it!

Oh how she loves her stuffed animals. this is in Vutton..thats right. For now she has a big stuffed dog, but maybe one day she will be lucky enough to get the bag:)*grin*

I love this headband! it was my latest Etsy treat..isn't it fabulous??:)

So last fall i took a picture of Addy in this hat that I won at a woman's conference I went to. I love it! And I absolutly to this day love the photo of her in it. Well, it was a lot easier at four months old to get a good shot; so this is the best I could get with a 14 month old! Not quite the same but pretty darn cute just the same!:)

1 comment:

The Samy's said...

OK, she is soooo cute!!! I love the pictures. I just want to squeeeeeze her!