Wednesday, September 1, 2010

facebook time out

So I deactivated my facebook account. Yes its true. The plan is to make this a temporary move, but we will see. I don't have a definite timeline, a month maybe, maybe longer. I know there are things about facebook I couldn't give up long term, like its a great way to keep in touch and see updates on friends and family that live far away, and it makes me feel like I am still apart of their lives. But i just felt it was time. I would check facebook a couple of times a day I usually wouldn't stay long, but I definetly was on there. I love looking at pictures, and status updates are always fun to see what people were up am I having a time out?? well...we are in a season of our life that I don't really love. I am not going to lie, this has been a really tough year, and just when I don't think it can get harder it does. but I am praying that we are going to come through this storm now, not sink deeper into it. I know God has been with us, and that he has us going through this desert for a reason, but some days it just really sucks. And i am not saying this for sympathy or a pitty party, that is the last thing I want. But if I hear one more time, oh this could be worse, or look on the bright side, I think i might slap someone. Because until you have walked in our shoes, you have no place for opinions or judgements...ok I am done my rant..that feels better. So yeh, I just felt that looking at everyones life and comparing wasn't helping my mental state, so I shut it down. Ok, so its only been three days, but i got to tell ya, I feel better. I feel happier and more positive that things are going to be ok, and that I have the mental space and more energy to focus on my family and work right now, because that is all the energy i have right now..and that is ok. Anyways, thats that..I guess its kind of a fast in some ways, and its good, I feel like its another step in obedience. And I hope after we get out of this season in our lives I can come back and share lots of lovely insight and wisdom that can encourage others because that will make all of this worth it!!

So my challenge for you today, is there anything in your life that is dragging you down, not lifting you up, and is it maybe time to deactive this thing???


Christy said...

Thanks for your honesty....way too often we feel like people only want to see the happy and "everything is fine" but as moms I think it's so important to keep it real and not shy away from admitting our struggles so we can be reminded that we are never alone!
Praying for you and your family.

Shawna said...

I completely agree with is not perfect!

Praying you come through this time with a stronger marriage, family and home!
xo, *S

Crystal said...

Thanks ladies, I greatly appreciate it:)!