Thursday, July 31, 2008

Being Still

I was reading in my devotional last night about being still and listening to the voice of God. This seems to be a challenge for me. As the days just seem to go by faster and faster and life gets busier and busier, I find it hard to find time and a place. As much as I love my husband and spending time with him, sometimes I just need 10 minutes alone somewhere to breathe and listen. I use to go for walks on the River all the time, and now we do, so I guess I need to start trying to go alone once and a while:)
So, if anyone has any suggestions of how they escape with God for ten minutes a day...I would love to know!!!

PS...Can someone please tell me how to put pictures up:)

love crystal


Nadine said...

I used to do my quiet time in my car while driving to work. Since you commute everyday maybe this would work for you too. I know I struggle in this department as well.

The Samy's said...

I have my quiet time when I have breakfast in the moring.My husband leaves for work relly early so that is "my" time.

Amanda said...

I have my prayer time when Jordan & I have said goodnight and I am done for the day.

About putting pictures up....
When you are writing a post there is a little icon that is blue with a mountain on it...sorta like a 'landscape' picture. Click on that and a pop up will come where you can browse for pictures...since you haven't done it yet, there may be a prompt to download something?? I can't remember. hope that helps!