Monday, July 28, 2008

Get LOST!!!

No seriously you need to go get Lost!! If you have not starting watching this show..then you truley are missing out. Ok, let me take that back, if you have a life and don't want to ignore it than I don't recommend it, but if you are looking for something to do, and something to kill time in the evenings..than rent it now!! David and I started watching it two weeks ago and we are highly addicted. I don't know what we would have done if we had watched it on TV not rented the tapes..we couldn't handle the stress of waiting every week to find out what happens.
So we are in the middle of season two right now and don't know what we are going to do once we get to the end of season four and have to wait till next summer to watch this season coming up. Oh my goodness we are actually going to have to talk to eachother or something(just kidding).
I understand now why we don't have cable, I forgot after almost a year without out it how addicting stupid TV really is!!

So, for any of you non marrieds out there who are really looking to connect in your first year of marriage..dont get cable:)


Jessi said...

Ha ha...Dean and I too love Lost, my brother got us seasons 1-4 on DVD and we would have marathon nights, for like 8 nights straight watching it until the wee hours of the morning. We finally got cable this past year and only watched it a few times, you're right...I hate waiting and it's funny how nothing happens on the show because of all the commercial breaks. I guess we're just waiting for the next season to come out so we can get caught up!

The Samy's said...

I just came across your blog as I was looking at Jessi's and just wanted to say hi and welcome to the blogging world! My name is Elyshia and I am friends with Jess, and we have something in common, we were both married on the same day and we both don't have cable! haha. Well look forward to your many postings and have a super blessed day.