Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I kissed caffeine Goodbye

ok, well, not completly. But basically, I am trying too!!
Today is day one, so we will see how it goes. I have been trying to do this off and on for a while now, but couldn't stick with it, but I feel it is time! I am not giving it up 100% just during the week.
I struggle with anxiety, have a high stress job, and am addicted to starbucks. Not good for my health or my wallet!:) so, I have decided that during the week no caffeine, and it will be a treat on the wekeend:) So i am sitting here sipping my Tetly, Vanilla Roobos herbal tea..and its yummy:) But, going to take some getting use to!
I will keep you posted on my progress!!!


Amanda said...

Welcome to my world of decaf teas! haha! You will do fine! I HOPE! *smirk* Good luck with this girl!

The Samy's said...

Haha, I use to be addicted to Starbucks too, every morning I would stop their on my way to work and then one day I was taking this course at my job (I work as a financial planner) and I went through and saw how much I spend in a year on just that alone! So I quit cold turkey and just have a little treat every once in a while now and its been 3 years.
You can do it! come on girl!

Nadine said...

It will be hard for the first few days. I'm off coffee but I still drink black tea. I did some research on the caffine in tea versus coffee, it's quite a difference. I wanted to do it gradually.

Good for you!! Tea is very good for you! It has lots of anti-oxidents and it's also a de-stressor.

Best of luck! The budget will enjoy the break too! :) Starbucks is a good treat. Tea is cheap at Starbucks too!! :)

Laura said...

I like to think of Starbucks as a treat too - Dave, your wallet and your tummy will thank you for it! Good luck my friend - you can do it!!

Jessi said...

You're brave! Sorry Sebastian but this mama isn't giving up her caffine! Hope it all goes well!