Wednesday, September 17, 2008

One of the many reasons I live in chilliwack

After work yesterday, dave and I headed out to cultus lake to meet his parents for a bbq:)
I loved this!! I felt so blessed by God to live in an area where I could get in my car and 10min later be near a gorgeous body of water, to eat, and fellowship with friends. I joke because I know a lot of people thought I was crazy when I moved from Vancouver to Chilliwack, and yes there are many things I miss about living in the city, but I love where I live now too! Especially because of who I live with:)wink* I am surrounded by gorgeous lakes, rivers, trails, community, family and fun!
Last night I went to my first dance class. I had drop in hip hop classes when I lived in the city and loved them so it was time to get back into something. I needed something active without being bored:)
Well, last night I had a blast! There was about 12 women in the class, from 20-55! it was great! I loved the variety of women that came and gave their all:) My question is though...why can't we do this in church. I how I pray for the day when we can dance freely in our churchs..when young and old will let loose for Jesus! I will be at the front when that day comes!


Nadine said...

I hear ya, sister!! Let's get the dancing in the aisles going!! :) Sounds like you had a great time last night. Good for you! :)

Laura said...

I think moving to Chilliwack was one of the best decisions you've made, and it's clear how God's hand was in it!
I'm glad you enjoyed dance so much!

Amanda said...

Chilliwack is a beautiful place!

Our church has a hip hop dance team! haha! They get up front every now and then and do a routine! I think it is great and they tell a great story with the music they dance to and give glory to God.