Sunday, December 28, 2008

Our Christmas

My sister in law and I. Due a week apart!!
David became the official turkey cutter!

My dad's Side of the family

Me and my baby outside in the snow on Christmas!

David being David:)

Well, Christmas has come and gone again. In some ways I am sad but in others I am so looking forward to the next year so I am ready to move on to 2009!

The weather was so crazy this year and made for an interesting time around this season. Our christmas eve service was cancelled which was such a wierd feeling for me not going. So after waiting to see what the snow was going to do we headed over to David's sisters place for some munchies and family time. My parents joined us there as my brother and his wife were coming out the next day. we had a great Christmas eve, with lots of yummy food and lots of laughs. My nephew Josaih decided to entertain us with a sermon on how God lives in our hearts and we all had to tell him about God. If you knew this kid you would understand more why it was so funny. I don't think we have all lauged that hard in so long! It was a good old pentecostal fire and brimstone sermon!hehe

After that we headed back to my parents place where we slept over. I love waking up in my parents house on Christmas morning to the fire place roaring, music playing, all the lights lit up and of course the smell of waffles cooking. That's our traditional christmas breakfast; waffles, strawberries, and cream...yummmy:)

Dave and I did our own little gift exchange while we waited for my brother and sister in law to arrive. When they did we ate and then opened presents! By the time we were done it was already 2pm..the day goes by so fast! After presents and a game, we headed to abby to my aunts for dinner, more gifts and games:)

Boxing day was the Colbourne's Christmas day. we were blessed by David's sister with a beautiful gift basket of baby stuff, and much more;) It was a nice relaxing day as we were all so tired from the previous days activities:)

All in all a wonderful Christmas!

Yesterday, we headed out with David's brother and his wife(we are both due with in a week of eachother!) to future shop to see about boxing day sales. We had asked for some gift cards and money for Christmas as we wanted to save up for a camcorder for little Colbourne's arrival:) well, we got so blessed and found a good deal on boxing day that we were able to buy one! We both got the same one which was $200 off! Dave was already up fiddling with it this morning..he's pretty excited about his new toy:) Hope your Christmas was as wonderful as ours...can't wait to hear all about it!
Some more pics!

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