Thursday, December 4, 2008

I can't Get Full!

Ok, so I am still not feeling great, but I have good days and bad days now, instead of just all bad days. the thing is though that I am starting to get really hungry...all the time!! I didn't think this would hit this early, but I guess so!!! I can't eat a lot at once, so I find I can't really fill up, and I feel like I am hungry all the time. The worst are days when I feel gross, but I am starving...such a bad combination! Oh the fun journey, that changes daily:)hehe

1 comment:

The Samy's said...

Haha, yah I know how you feel. I think it was 2 weeks of feeling like I was done and I just prayed for wisdom and I was told to eat every two hours even if I wasn't hungrey, so thats what I have been doing ever since and I feel great. Once you get into your second tri-mester you will feel so much better. Hang in there and know that your body is changing for this little precious baby in your belly ;) This is such a special time and enjoy every minute of it cause it does go by fast, I am already 5 months, four more to go!