Tuesday, December 30, 2008

17 weeks!

So I am using my blog partially for my pregnancy journal:) So if curious you can read and if not, thats ok too. But I really want to write some where my experiences so I can look back on day and remember and compare for the next one! I can't believe I am already 17 weeks in some ways, but in other ways I can't wait for it to be June so I can cuddle and kiss my little babe.
Thankfully since Christmas day I have been starting to feel better, which has been a blessing. The two weeks before Christmas were quite rough as I was having bad headaches and back aches which were aggrevating the nasuea. My favorite things right now though is my stomach is starting to get rounder so i am starting to look more pregnant instead of just chubby in the mid section:)hehe But my most favorite thing is the little movements I am feeling in my belly! The little pokes and twitches of my little stinker moving at 3am after I get up to pee! I love going home at nigth and laying in bed really still because that's when I can feel the little movements! I can't wait for when I am further along and can really feel them, and when Dave can too! I know he will love it:) I kind of feel for the dads, the miss out on so much of this experience, and its hard to explain things to them....but I am thankful that God in trusted us women to carry this gift, what a blessing it is!

The not so fun thing that started yesterday is that my tailbone was huritng really bad when I sat down. I had to lean forward last night to take the pressure off my bone. I am going to have to start carry a pillow to work soon if this doens't stop..too much stretching!!!hehe

Anyways, thats my ramblings and updates for now...to be continued as things progress...


The Samy's said...

Oh I am so excited for you! I love hearing your updates on your little one and how you are doing. I should really do that more and post my pictures. I am 6 months already and time is just flying by, and the baby is so active right now that I get booted every half hour!
You are such a great Mommy already taking care of your little one inside of you =)
Cherish every minute!!!

Christy said...

Great post! I still remember the first time Trev felt Denay move...the look on his face was priceless! Enjoy every second!

Amanda said...

I think it is great that you journal your pregnancy AND doing it on here so we can read it! The flutters and twinges are so great to feel but wait until you can feel a foot or elbow move across your stomach! THAT is AMAZING!