Wednesday, January 21, 2009

My Budha belly at 20 weeks:)


Christy said...

You look fabby girl! What a lovely baby bump....

Nadine said...

When was this pic taken? I think you're "bigger" than when we saw you on Sunday. I love watching you grow, in a good way.

Looking forward to seeing you guys on Friday.

The Samy's said...

Soooo sweet!!!!! I love it! Your one sexy preggie!

Crystal said...

I took it on its quite possible that it is bigger than it was on sunday:) it goes through stages..but I have been achy again the last couple of days so I am sure its stretching!

Laura said...

Finally, a bare belly shot! I was going to ask you to see the belly last Friday but didn't want to, in case YOU didn't want to! ha! Looking good Crys... I can't wait to find out if that little one in there is a boy or a girl!! :)

Amanda said...


The Samy's said... did it go????

Crystal said...

hehe:) it wents great! Will reveal the sex on Friday...have some people wanting to find out on thursday:)

The Samy's said...

Ohhhhh, I can't wait!!!

Shawna said...

That is one cute belly!