Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Rain Rain and more Rain..oh wait and a little snow!

ok, is anyone else SICK of this weather because I know I am! I was told when got pregnant, oh don't by to many winter clothes because you will get so hot as time goes on, and really should have most of your pregnancy in the spring..well, let me tell ya, my clothes are starting to not fit, and its still snowing outside! I am done with this weather, and now, we have another couple weeks of rain!! So I am going to pray today, and pray hard, that this weather stops, and the sun comes out and warms our souls..I know mine could use it:)


The Samy's said...

I am in agreement with you girl! I want some sun and enough of the rain!
How have you been keeping?

Crystal said...

I am doing alright:) Very uncomfortable and looking forward to being done work! still 8 weeks left of that for me till I am on leave;) You must be so excited to be done, and have your little one almost here!! you getting excited and nervous?

Christy said...

Can't even tell you how annoyed I was when it started snowing this morning, then by the end of the day it was sunny and 11 degrees. I'm so ready for summer! Can we skip spring?

Laura said...

Yay for sun!! I hear this weekend is supposed to be nice - I think we all need a little pick-me-up!