Friday, February 12, 2010

downhill skiing

I feel like I am a downhill skier today going over all of those bumps..ok, I am having a brain fart as to the actual name of the know the one with the bumps and the jumps..oh my:) Anyways, today is just one of those days. I have been watching the olympic torch come into our city..excited, emotional, jealous as it goes by, just blocks from where I use to live, wishing I was there, feeling the buzz! But loving watching it from a distance to where I can drive my car down the street!! not like downtown right now:)!
Than there are the lows, the anticipation this morning of a chapter closing, and hoping it would end on a high...not so much...
Than the graphic video of a young athlete crashing his young body into a poll, and gone, like that, gone..
I don't know about you other moms out there, but ever since I brought our little stinker into the world I can't hear about a young death without being overwhelmed with heart breaks. What a way to start this suppose to be exciting day!
So heres to tomorrow...which I am praying will look a little brighter, and spirits will be lifted, especially the one in my household:)

So heres to Red...Canadian and Valentines...may your households be filled with lots of love this weekend!!

1 comment:

Laura said...

They're called moguls :)

That video was so tough to watch :(

Here's to brighter days ahead... and good news to come on the IP! ;)