Friday, May 14, 2010

Mothers Day

Last Sunday was obviously mothers day, and my first one! I don't have much pictures from the day, but here is me and my girl all prettied up before church! I have to admit, my first mothers day was a little anti climactic. It was a nice day, a lovely day..but yet still, somehow I ended up in the kitchen, which just feels wrong!:) my favorite part of the day was after missy napped my mom and SIL drove down the hill to starbucks to grab some of those 50% off frapps! and we all headed to the was perfect, relaxing, blissful; one of those moments you dream of that was great! So what was the let down?? I don't know..its just wierd. I think its the combination of celebrating your mom, while also trying to celebrate you too. Plus, add on, his mother, sisters, friends..oh vey! Does anyone have this problem right now in life where celebrating and things that should be joyous times seem to be taking a lot of work and by the end of it everyone is exhausted?? Ok, well maybe its just me because I am in desperate need of a vacation..and a job! but anyways, this is suppose to be about mothers day..right, well, with all this complaining I just did...I can't even begin to tell ya what a priveldge it is to be this little girls mama! I feel so incredibly blessed, and just wanted to savour every moment with her on this day. Even so to the point of being a little sad when it was her nap time! Anyways, I am grateful for a wonderful mother, MIL, and so proud of the many mama friends and SIL's in my life! Thank you for making this world a better place by loving the people God gave you to love!


Christy said...

Gorgeous picture Crystal, you look amazing!
I think media/movies etc really distorts our perception of what it looks like to be celebrated as a mom. Remember how much your role means to God and your are loved.

Crystal said...

I think you are so right about the Christy..its all about perception! and yes stupid media:)