Sunday, May 2, 2010

We Survived

We are in the month of May which means we officially survived the month of April! 7 birthday's, one birth, a baby shower, an outing or two...what a month! So much fun celebrating though:)
I have to say I am loving this stage that we have entered where now I go to my childs friends wierd! As I put my baby girl on the ground and watch her play with her friends, or not, it is such a sight to see. I sit and watch and wonder what it will be like next year, and the year after, and the year after....
This journey is such a joy. Its my favorite thing right now. Everything about this little girl I just want to eat up, soak in, savor, absorb, lather myself in the greatness that is being her mom, being her friend, being in her life and watching her daily change into this little princess of the king. And maybe its the perspective that I live in right now, that my time of hourly interaction is limited, that makes me appreciate these moments so much more, but I will take it. I am about quality over quantity, so I will take it.
Right now, I have not idea what this month is going to bring. I am officially laid wierd to say, but its true, and now we wait. Well job search like a mad woman; but wait on the Lord for his direction for our lives. I am so scared, excited, nervous, resentful, name it, if its an emotion I am feeling it right now. But what I am thankful for today, because I CHOOSE to be, is that this new development has bought me time. Bought me hours with my girl, to enjoy our daily routine we have created together over these past months. And the rest, well thats up to HIM, so lets wait and see what he has in store..from my past experience its usually good:)


Christy said...

Wow, that IS a busy month!
We serve the same God so I know you are going to be taken care of in His time.
I'm inspired by your strength and trust in his timing.

Jessi said...

That does sound busy! We're praying for the perfect opportunity to come your way!