Monday, July 26, 2010

A lovely weekend

We had a great, and very full weekend! The sun was shining, the picnic was on, and the lions were roaring:) What??? Did I just say Lions..I sure did:)*grin*

Sat, we headed out to Hicks lake to meet up with Dave's family for a fun day in the sun! I love hicks lake. Its this perfect hidden gem, that is busy enough, but not over crowed like the lovely cultus. Its also smaller and warmer too:) Addyson was all decked out in her stylin beach attire, but still wasn't to keen on the water. She went in for a bit, but heaven forbid anyone jump in or splash her, otherwise it was game over. But she loved being there, and loved exploring and walking around! And dipping her toes in just enough:)

So the lions, where do they fit into this picture?? well, after a day in the sun, we wipped home so I could get ready and head out to the LION KING with my mom. Downtown we drove, in the stupid annoying, but so worth it. I LOVE going to the theatre, and I LOVE being in my city..thats right, MY city:) It was a perfect summer evening for the theatre. The show was indescribable; we loved every moment of it. And I cried, a few tears, but I did, I have to admit it, I couldn't hold back, it was just to exciting for me! So anyways, that is where the lion fits in to this picture:) Not that we are now living in a safari or moving to Africa;however, I would like to go there now more than ever!

Moving along, yesterday we headed out to crazy Cultus Lake for our church family picnic. We had a great day with family and friends! I made this cake, and it was absolutley delish!! And my girl, she did lots of this!! yummy yummy watermelon:) Hope you all had a great weekend too!!

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