Sunday, August 29, 2010

Addyson update..14.5 months old!

Its been a while since I updated about my girl, so I figured it was time! I can't believe she is almost 15 months. I thought the first year went fast, but I already feel like this year is going faster. It has been a busy summer for us but not necessarily in the way I expected, or hoped. But this is life. The one constant good in my life through all the change and tough times we are going through right now in this stage of life is my girl. She keeps me going, everything I do I do it for her, and it is SO worth it. Some days are fabulous and feel easy peasy, but on the hard days..those days where it feels like life is swallowing you up, she keeps me swimming to the surface! Oh how I love this girl...

So on to the updates..well folks there is never a quiet or dull moment in our house! We have a busy one!! Busy but so good. I do find being out and about a challenge only because most of the time I am chasing after her, and I am still not quite use to it:) But she is so good; self entertains so well, smiles, laughes, amusses herself as well as her mommy and daddy and everyone else around! She doesn't walk, she runs. She talks non stop. She laughes, and mimics, and closes doors, and open cupboards and presses the stereobuttons multiple times a day! Again, never a dull moment. But than there are things that make her..her. her uniqueness, one of a kindness, the things we love! She loves to mimic, this is her latest thing. The funniest one she came up with this month was mimicing yawning. For some reason one day she saw her daddy yawning and just started to chuckle. So now, all you have to do is say, addy are you so tired and her arms go up in the air and she makes this little grunt sound..its so cute! She loves going up and down the stairs. And at bed time, all you have to do is ask her if its time for bed, and she marches right up to the gate and wants to go precious;) A few weeks ago, she had a little blanky in her hand from her doll and she took it to the floor like she was wiping something up. So now if you give her a cloth and ask her to wash the floor, she will do it!..thats right, starting them young!haha
Her favorite show is in the night garden as she has a little igglepiggle doll..strangest show, but she loves it! her favorite video is still her praise baby or baby einstein. She loves puppets!!
And dogs, she loves dogs!! and yes, everytime she sees one she barks at them..arf. arf..arf..arf, it so cute;) but she still can't seem to understand yet that cats don't bark; so for now, according to her they do! She has quite a list of vocabulary. She is well known already for her "whats that?? oh, what is it??...non stop multiple times a day! so cute!! She says bupa(papa), ba(ball), baba(bottle), bubo(bubble), dada, mama, hi. She signs, please, thank you, more and finished. She knows where her nose and head are, but is still convinced her belly is her bum!

Oh, there is just so much, she is so full of personality, funny faces and expressions, laughs, wierd monster sounds where we are not sure where she gets them from, and so much more!! Just love her, just love her....

Here are a few pics; I really have not taken many recently with the busyness of life, and well, my camera isn't the greatest with moving targets!!

So this is how most of the pictures turn out...give me that camera mama!!

As much as she loves her videos, she loves the cases!

Styling in her rain boots!!

1 comment:

Christy said...

She still looks like her daddy :) You're got one cute girly!