Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Addyson's Dedication

This Sunday, September 13th we dedicated our little princess to God:)I always new that this was a very important event in our childs life, but until that day it didn't really hit me..not going to lie friends, I felt Like it was my wedding day all over again:) We wanted the day to be perfect and for everything to run smooth..and it did;) we were so blessed to have so many friends and family to be there on this special occasion. Miss Addy even had the pleasure of being dedicated i nthe same gown my dad wore and I wore on our dedications. My dad, holding the mike in the bottom picture here, and my father in law on the far left had the priveldge of dedicating their girl back to God. It has really started to hit me how this child is not mine..she is God's, and he has chosen to give her to Dave and I do take care of and raise to follow him...what an amazing pleasure and burden all at the same time..something we don't take lightly at all:)! We are so thankful to God for her and choosing us to raise this precious girl..who we all adore:)! Another milestone hit!


Christy said...

Such a special day! Congrats Crystal!

The Samy's said...

Wow what a precious day. You all look so lovely and what a time to remember always.

Laura said...

It was a beautiful day, perfect. And Miss Addy was an angel! You're absolutely right, what an incredible privilege God gives us when He grants us children to love and raise to know and honour Him. You and Dave are doing a wonderful job raising your daughter - you can tell by her joy already!