Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Ugly Truth about Debt

Since moving onto the baby budget, Daddy D and I have been analyzing and looking over the financial sitaution, where it is and where it is going. its not pretty let me tell ya! I know there are many of you out there who can relate to this situation, and can feel the pain of pinching those pennies:) I felt very overwhelmed this July when the reality of where we were at hit me....there were many times a broke down and all I could say to myself is God what have we gotten ourselves into! Knowing that even in a year when I would have to go back to work, unless I was making some big bucks, things would be different. The reality is that part time would be ideal, to help pay the bills, avoid daycare, and have some time with my baby. Full time would be more financially appealing in some ways but would mean the extra cost of daycare, which would might cancel out the benefits. So where does in the next couple of years of life does paying down debt or moving up into a bigger place come into play? Currently we are living in a two bedroom apartment which is functional but not ideal when baby number 2 comes along(not anytime soon!!!*grin*). So Lord what do we do. There have been days where our future seemed so dark and drab, will we ever get out of debt?? Will we be living in the constant reminder of student loans, wedding bills, car payments, and apartment buying expenses for the rest of our lives! Meanwhile, can we have a life too?? So many things to consider! With my mind overwhelmed, and my heart at home with my princess, I decided it was time to get a grip on reality!
I found this amazing book that has helped my heart and mind so much, it is called calm my anxious heart...and that is exactly what it has done. It really is about a womans guide to contentment. This book has challenged my heart so much to what God has called for my family..contentness. So where am I at today. Today I am learning to live off of the new budget, and realizing how happy I can be on not a lot. I am learning that Debt is not what God has for our lives, therefore, paying it down is our number one priority. Proverbs 22:7 “The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.” I have felt imprisoned by our debt and I don't want to live that way. I would rather be debt free, and happy, than have tons of worldy posessions! I have realized there are a lot of things that I don't "need" that I use to think I did. Even with the housing situation I have come to realize that we can be quite content in this place for another couple of years, we can easily make it it ideal, no, but livealble, absolutly!! And who knows what God will open up for us! But again, having a baby has put so much into perspective for what we want our lives to look like and what is important to us! living life with my family, that's on the top of the list!!


Ashley said...

That seems to be the reality for most couples these days. You either rent, have an old car (or no car), and no debt. Or you have a nice car, a new place and debt. Either way, the grass isn't always greener on the otherside, literally.

Laura said...

Being content is one of the hardest, and I believe lifelong, lessons. I've noticed that at all women events, one of the workshops is always on being content!
And it's true, what's right for one family isn't right for another, and everyone has to figure out what works for them, and not compare. That can be tough!
I'm glad you feel at peace with where you're at, and have some goals and priorities. That must feel good too!

Nadine said...

I have no words, that was a great post! Thank you!

Candice said...

I think that too often we try to "keep up with the Jones'". We learn that what is 'ideal' is the bigger, better, etc. What I often do is look back at how I was raised. We lived in a 900sq. foot top floor of my grandparents house (thanks to the big stock market fiasco), there were FOUR kids, plus my parents, plus our big dog. We didn't go on glamorous holidays, but instead "camped" out on our back deck. Looking back, I wouldn't trade it for the "Jones'". Just remember, whatever, wherever, make memories for your family that will last. Addy will thank you for it when she's all growed up :)

Crystal said...

Thanks Ladies for the comments:)

Absolutly candice I totally agree with you:) and that is the path we are choosing to invest into experience with our childen instead of things;) Because she(and our future monkey's) is where our heart is! And having Addyson has put so much into perspective for me!