Friday, March 26, 2010

Can Anyone relate?

Ok, I am probably about to throw myself under the bus here, but I am that tired from this week that I don't really care;) maybe its the creepy eye problem I am still having and therefore having to wear my glasses every day. Maybe its the mid length hair issues I am having as I am trying to grow it out. Maybe its the ten pounds of baby weight that I am still desperartly trying to loose yet not really doing too much about it. Maybe its the pale skin I am sporting right now, as the winter dreary rain is starting to get to me. Maybe its just that I need a vacation! but, my point is, my "physical" self esteem is at about a minus five right now! I am having a really hard time feeling "pretty" again after having baby. It doesn't help living in sweat pants all day, and sure I can slap some make up on and such but its just so much work when you don't have any motivation to do it for something other than yourself. Don't get me wrong, the basics go on every day, but no fun color:) I guess i am in a little bit of an identity crisis as I know my body will never be the same again. I know my hips wont go back, that my rib cage is forever expanded..thats life. But trying to fit into this new me seems to be quite the challenge. Where to shop, what to wear, how to feel good when your gut is rolling over your pants...oh my! Anyways, so I am not asking for a pity party for myself, but if anyone else can jump on this wagon with me please do..I hate feeling alone:) or if anyone has any good tips for cheap and easy pick me ups, please share!!

ok...pulling myself from under the bus now..


Christy said...

I truly believe that there isn't a first time mom out there that DOESN'T experience what you are going through at some point during the first year or so. I know I did! It took me a while to feel like Christy was back and not just "a mom". Wear your new body with pride, never forgetting that you CARRIED a child INSIDE you for almost and year and then literally pushed in out of into the world. That is a badge of honor and sport it with your head held high - even if your in yoga pants and a sweatshirt. You are Crystal and you are a wife and a daughter and a friend and a sister? and also a mommy. You are not a mom that is Crystal, you are Crystal who is a mom, among LOTS of other wonderful things!
I wish I could make it go away but what I CAN do it tell you that you are most certainly not alone ;)

Ashley said...

I can relate 100%!!

The Samy's said...

Wow, you have read my mail Crystal. Word to word. I have been trying to think of what to post and I think I just might copy and paste :)
I have been gong through this "season" for quite some time now and it actually really gets to me at times. So thanks for posting this and I will keep you in my prayers and pray that this season will pass for the both of us.
Love yah.

Crystal said...

Thanks girls, for the encouragement, and standing with me on this one. I am going to start to do some research see if there are any good books out there that might help to encourage us, and find our way to a new place..praying with you!