Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Addyson turns three-continued
I saw this idea on pintrest and hope I remember to do it every year. We asked Addy some questions; Here are her responses!
1. who's your favorite person-Avery(her new bestie from dance class)
2. Whats your favorite movie to watch-Dora...ugh...hoping that one changes soon:)
3. Whats your favorite color-purple
4. Whats your favorite food-Strawberries (that one I am sure would change daily:)
5. How old are you-Three
6. Favorite toy-Ariel
7. Whats your favorite treat-Cupcakes
8. Whats your favorite pair of shoes- pink shoes. (She wears them every day:))
9. Favorite Song-jesus loves me (I hope this one NEVER changes:))
10. Whats baby Alex's favorite toy- Snow white (its the one princess doll she lets him have. I am guessing her least favorite!)
11. Whats your favorite animal-Kitten
12. Whats mommy's favorite animal- A moose! haha I have no idea, but it was cute:)
13. Addy do you have a boyfriend?-NOO, I don't have a boyfriend. It was in this tone of are you kidding me mom:) haha
So there you have it! We asked a few others, but they were too hard for her to understand quite yet, so maybe we will expand the list next year!!
What I love about you at three:
you are so kind, sweet, loving, gentle, funny, compassionate, and such a beautiful spirit! I don't look back at your two's with, thank God they are done..you really are a great kid! I know three will bring more independence and challenges as you find your place in this world, but i also know that I am so looking forward to you exploring who you are in christ! I love you so much my girl. you truly are my heart walking around in this world!
Addyson Turns three!
We had a great weekend celebrating our girl! Her actual birthday was on Friday, and we started the day with a play date at the park with friends:) We got blessed with sun in a very rainy week! For dinner i made her macaroni and cheese(homemade), and then we gave her, her present:) Yeh for dollar store stuff:)*grin*
Then headed over to friends of ours that just moved into their new place! After that we headed to DQ for some late night ice cream and french fries:)
Sat we spent way too long in the car and drove to the aquarium. I am realizing more and more how much I hate driving into the city:( I love it once I am there, but its so much work. And well to be honest, for the city that I grew up in, and later lived in, it just doesn't feel the same to me anymore:( but that's a whole other post!
Anyways, once we got there we had a great time at the aquarium with addy's favorite cousin!
Sunday was filled with fathers day and birthday celebration with my side of the family. All in all a lovely weekend! Busy, but lovely:)!
Then headed over to friends of ours that just moved into their new place! After that we headed to DQ for some late night ice cream and french fries:)
Sat we spent way too long in the car and drove to the aquarium. I am realizing more and more how much I hate driving into the city:( I love it once I am there, but its so much work. And well to be honest, for the city that I grew up in, and later lived in, it just doesn't feel the same to me anymore:( but that's a whole other post!
Anyways, once we got there we had a great time at the aquarium with addy's favorite cousin!
Sunday was filled with fathers day and birthday celebration with my side of the family. All in all a lovely weekend! Busy, but lovely:)!
Monday, June 11, 2012
I read I thing once that said that life wasn't about days, but instead moments in the day...or something like that:) well, this weekend I had one of those moments! A moment I will never forget, and a moment that makes it all worth while. Addy had her first dance recital this weekend. The year started out horribly with my girl in tears after her first class and me wondering what have I done to my 2 year old!! but in the end, it was so worth it! She has blossomed, and become more confident! She loves to dance, loves her teacher and has even made a bff in the process;) There were three performances in two days; it was insane. But when i sat down for the third performance with my family, and the tears started pouring out the moment her beautiful little self stepped on the stage..I knew it was all worth it!! you are such a beautiful girl addyson inside and out, and as even your teacher told me, you have such an amazing spirit about you. I promise I will do everything to protect that and help it to shine!! this is one proud mama!!
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Here's my rant
Well, I am sure many of you have heard of or seen the times cover from last month all over the news or tv. and if not, well good for you; you are probably doing more productive things with your time than me!haha
Anyways, it was a picture of a mom breastfeeding her three year old son. Let me just say this..that poor boy when he is thirteen:)
So here is my rant. I am not going to judge and say when someone should breastfeed till or not. But what this whole thing has stirred up in me is a sickness for the bombarding of parenting information, tips, trends, what you should do or not, ect ect, You should breastfeed, you shouldn't breastfeed, crying it out vs attachment parenting, co sleeping vs no bumper pads in the crib, it never ends! and I am so tired of it.
Sometimes I think I would be such a better parent if I was just able to tune out everything around me and go with my gut. Because i trust my gut. I don't like the 5 extra pounds hanging on it right now, but overall I trust it. Why? because I have been raised by loving christian parents who have instilled in me a deep relationship with christ, and God the father the ultimate parent, and he is guiding me. So why shouldn't I trust that over some book, or google article or what someone is telling me on facebook. When did we become parenting experts? Aren't we all just trying to figure this out together??
To me, enough is enough. Its got to be about doing whats right for your family.
There are times when I am all about attachment parenting, and then there are times when if I don't walk away for five minutes and let the baby cry I will scream..so whats better?
I live with the constant guilt that I have to go back to work in the new year, and am I going to be damaging my kids by putting them in the care of others. And this isn't so that we can have the extras in life, this is so we can pay our basic bills and buy groceries. But what if it wasn't, what if i was going back to work to get some me time to make me a better mom?? Who's to say??
I think us as parents have it so tough now a days. And i think we make it even harder on each other. Personally i think a lot of it stems from insecurity, so if I can secretly judge you for the fact that your child is 4 and not potty trained, or still has a soother well than that makes me a better parent than you because i was able to pull my kids soother away a long time ago..fyi, Addy still has hers at night time and i don't care:) I will take it away when we are both ready;)
So I can spend my days worrying about what I am doing wrong, which sometimes I feel like I do, or I can focus on the fact that God blessed me and entrusted me with these beautiful children who so far seem very well adjusted, are polite, loving, beautiful, and kind. I must be doing ok, right?:)
So, here i am preaching to the choir, by saying this..just do what you know how to do best! tune out the world, everyone has their opinions and its exhausting. If you want advice well than ask, but be prepared if you do so on facebook you are opening up a huge can of worms! ask someone who's been doing this more than five minutes as well:)
As moms we need to be encouraged, uplifted and affirmed because we spend enough time beating ourselves up. So I encourage you to encourage someone around you! Make it genuine but do it! We all need some affirmation to fill up our mom tank to keep us going, because lets face it, its hard out there.
And when all else fails, go the ultimate father, who wrote the book on parenting, and let him guide your way. And even if you fail, there is a bountiful of grace coming your way, so don't forget to extend it to your babies next time they dump something all over your house:)
Anyways, it was a picture of a mom breastfeeding her three year old son. Let me just say this..that poor boy when he is thirteen:)
So here is my rant. I am not going to judge and say when someone should breastfeed till or not. But what this whole thing has stirred up in me is a sickness for the bombarding of parenting information, tips, trends, what you should do or not, ect ect, You should breastfeed, you shouldn't breastfeed, crying it out vs attachment parenting, co sleeping vs no bumper pads in the crib, it never ends! and I am so tired of it.
Sometimes I think I would be such a better parent if I was just able to tune out everything around me and go with my gut. Because i trust my gut. I don't like the 5 extra pounds hanging on it right now, but overall I trust it. Why? because I have been raised by loving christian parents who have instilled in me a deep relationship with christ, and God the father the ultimate parent, and he is guiding me. So why shouldn't I trust that over some book, or google article or what someone is telling me on facebook. When did we become parenting experts? Aren't we all just trying to figure this out together??
To me, enough is enough. Its got to be about doing whats right for your family.
There are times when I am all about attachment parenting, and then there are times when if I don't walk away for five minutes and let the baby cry I will scream..so whats better?
I live with the constant guilt that I have to go back to work in the new year, and am I going to be damaging my kids by putting them in the care of others. And this isn't so that we can have the extras in life, this is so we can pay our basic bills and buy groceries. But what if it wasn't, what if i was going back to work to get some me time to make me a better mom?? Who's to say??
I think us as parents have it so tough now a days. And i think we make it even harder on each other. Personally i think a lot of it stems from insecurity, so if I can secretly judge you for the fact that your child is 4 and not potty trained, or still has a soother well than that makes me a better parent than you because i was able to pull my kids soother away a long time ago..fyi, Addy still has hers at night time and i don't care:) I will take it away when we are both ready;)
So I can spend my days worrying about what I am doing wrong, which sometimes I feel like I do, or I can focus on the fact that God blessed me and entrusted me with these beautiful children who so far seem very well adjusted, are polite, loving, beautiful, and kind. I must be doing ok, right?:)
So, here i am preaching to the choir, by saying this..just do what you know how to do best! tune out the world, everyone has their opinions and its exhausting. If you want advice well than ask, but be prepared if you do so on facebook you are opening up a huge can of worms! ask someone who's been doing this more than five minutes as well:)
As moms we need to be encouraged, uplifted and affirmed because we spend enough time beating ourselves up. So I encourage you to encourage someone around you! Make it genuine but do it! We all need some affirmation to fill up our mom tank to keep us going, because lets face it, its hard out there.
And when all else fails, go the ultimate father, who wrote the book on parenting, and let him guide your way. And even if you fail, there is a bountiful of grace coming your way, so don't forget to extend it to your babies next time they dump something all over your house:)
Monday, May 14, 2012
Life updates
Blog land seems so quiet lately..which makes me feel like everyone is in the same boat as right now...BUSY!
It has been a crazy season with the main theme being birthdays;) lots and lots of birthdays! Its always fun to celebrate life with our friends and family, but at the same time we are continually reminded that its about balance. And with all this craziness and running around all over town and out of town..its time to slow down and focus on what matters most, our little family. So we are working on it. The plan is to sit down and make some house rules so that we can come to a happy medium of balance in all areas of our lives.
I think especially for me, who can go and go..but than I crash, and usually when I crash its a hard crash. So a constant learning curve, but that's life!
Alexander is 3 months old now which is so hard to believe. It really does go by so fast with the second! I love this stage we are entering though. I love when they start to interact and discover the world. And I love the facial recognition and the big smiles I get when he sees me. Makes me feel so loved! And man, do I ever love this little guy! Words can't describe!
Miss Addy is quickly approaching three..another thing that is so hard to believe! I am not sure how I feel about the 3"s yet. Looking back I can honestly say my two's really weren't that bad at all:) They had their moments, but really not so bad. Where I have a feeling, from things already seen that the threes are going to bring more of a challenge. So I am humbled every day in my parenting and call on God for lots of grace and patience as I am still sleep deprived as well. And I also try to remind myself what a gift she is and really what an amazing, smart, funny, beautiful, and unique little girl she is! And those moments that aren't so pleasant; well they are a stage;)
And I don't know about you but with being constantly bombarded with parenting tips, social media, and news articles..anyone read or see that times article??:) its hard. Its hard to trust your instinct and to know whats right. But like my mom reminded me today, was that whats most important is trusting relationship with God, and going from there..So we truck along:)
Hope everyone is enjoying the sun!!
It has been a crazy season with the main theme being birthdays;) lots and lots of birthdays! Its always fun to celebrate life with our friends and family, but at the same time we are continually reminded that its about balance. And with all this craziness and running around all over town and out of town..its time to slow down and focus on what matters most, our little family. So we are working on it. The plan is to sit down and make some house rules so that we can come to a happy medium of balance in all areas of our lives.
I think especially for me, who can go and go..but than I crash, and usually when I crash its a hard crash. So a constant learning curve, but that's life!
Alexander is 3 months old now which is so hard to believe. It really does go by so fast with the second! I love this stage we are entering though. I love when they start to interact and discover the world. And I love the facial recognition and the big smiles I get when he sees me. Makes me feel so loved! And man, do I ever love this little guy! Words can't describe!
Miss Addy is quickly approaching three..another thing that is so hard to believe! I am not sure how I feel about the 3"s yet. Looking back I can honestly say my two's really weren't that bad at all:) They had their moments, but really not so bad. Where I have a feeling, from things already seen that the threes are going to bring more of a challenge. So I am humbled every day in my parenting and call on God for lots of grace and patience as I am still sleep deprived as well. And I also try to remind myself what a gift she is and really what an amazing, smart, funny, beautiful, and unique little girl she is! And those moments that aren't so pleasant; well they are a stage;)
And I don't know about you but with being constantly bombarded with parenting tips, social media, and news articles..anyone read or see that times article??:) its hard. Its hard to trust your instinct and to know whats right. But like my mom reminded me today, was that whats most important is trusting relationship with God, and going from there..So we truck along:)
Hope everyone is enjoying the sun!!
Monday, April 9, 2012
Easter Weekend
Easter weekend has come and gone; and what an eventful one it was!
Thursday started out with some serious shopping at our new Winners for a much needed Easter dress, that accommodates..well you know, the feeding of the babe:)
Friday morning we had church and than our annual lunch out with my parents to one our favorite restaurants! After that we quickly came home so that Alex and I could get ready to head out to a baby shower for him, hosted by my co workers. It was intimate and a lovely afternoon and evening! Saturday we headed out into the suN! we had a great day at the park with friends, and than back home to get desserts made for sunday, and than a second time with out friends at our place for a spontanious BBQ..it was perfect!
Sunday was church, and than quickly running home to change and head out to easter at Dave's side as well as celebrating his brothers and moms birthday. Today Dave worked and the kids and I headed to friends for an Easter egg hunt and lunch. Again a fantastic day in the sun!!
Tonight was Easter dinner at my parents place as well as celebrating my dads and SIL's birthday's!...whew....I am tired just writing it;) it was a great weekend, but a little intense! LOL
So much to do so little times sometimes:) And I am learning more and more, how shorter time seems with two kids, as everything takes twice as long at this stage:) haha so I have to get more creative!
Hope you all had a great Easter weekend remembering the reason we live!
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Alex two months!
I am so bad..poor second child, doesn't get as near as much attention to detail:) I don't think I posted a one month update, but here we are already at two months! And what a two months it has been! So first of all let me say I have the greatest little guy ever..I adore him, and he is overall a really good baby:) But..these last two months have been one of the hardest times in my life. Why? well two kids is an adjustment, then there is sleep deprivation, and no time alone with hubby as baby still goes to bed around nine and so does hubby as he gets up at 4:30am...but the biggest thing has been we have been SOOOO sick. I mean non stop for two months straight. To be honest we have felt like we have been under attack ever since the hospital and both Dave and addy having the flu. We have had the flu, colds, than the stomach flu again, and another round of colds. Through in there Dave working seventy hours the other week..I am one done mama! But, through a lot of prayer and perseverance i am surviving. Barely it felt like some days, but i think we are finally on the mend. And i am so looking forward to a long weekend and celebrating the reason for living this weekend with family and friends!!
But back to my little man..he is great;) He is smiling, and cooing, and as of today rolling over. Hes the easiest baby in the day, but still has his fussy time in the evenings. Its getting better though, and slowly he is going to bed earlier so that I get a little bit of a break at night. he's so sweet, and watching him and Addy together..well, nothing is better;)
Hope everyone has a good rest of the week! I am hoping to find a skirt for this weekend at our new Winners! thats right, that is what is exciting in our town:)*grin* And look forward to coming back with our Easter recap!
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Alex's Room:)
Alex's room is still a work in progress as he is still in our room, and we don't have a crib:) And its acting as a selling place for all addy's clothes right now!
But here are two additions we added this weekend! I am in love with my Etsy purchases, courtesy of gift $$ from the grandparents;)
The theme of his room is Owls;)
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
my baby is growing up!
I had Alex's one month check up today, so I dropped Addy off at a new friends place.
Back track..we put addy into a dance class this year; one that I originally didn't think was going to last, but has turned out to be great for both her and me! the reason..friends! for both of us;) I have always said I don't need more best friends, I have lots of amazing tight girls in my life, but I would love a community. Being fairly new to my town, its something that I have been desiring. And we are starting to find it:) And her dance class has been very instrumental in that process for me. The other great thing is that two of those moms, with little girls live within the same block or so as me; which is even better!
So this weekend when I realized I had his appointment, yet my family wasn't able to watch Addy I had a light bulb moment. my new neighbors! So I messaged one of the mamas and she said no prob! I dropped addy off at quarter to two, with the intention of picking her up a half an hour later...well, i went to pick her up, and what happened?? I was dismissed! haha So the mom said she would be happy to keep addy for a bit and walk her home later as its gorgeous outside today:)! so..two hours later, my girl came home!!
So many feelings in this moment. First of all, i feel so blessed to find some great moms, to be friends with and new friends for Addy!
Second of all, seeing my girl grow up and be more and more independent, and make her own little friends..melts my heart!!
Thirdly, to come home to a quiet house and hang out alone with my boy for a few hours was a treat, and a great reminder...I need breaks once and a while. They rejuvenate me, and fill me up to give more. Again, for the hundredth time, its reminding myself to not feel guilty, and realize that in the long run its doing great things for both of us!!
So all in all a successful lovely day that started out with some great park time and sun with fresh air, and an afternoon of peacefulness!
And with some never ending dark clouds hanging over us, these little breaks of sun in our spirit are so good:)
Back track..we put addy into a dance class this year; one that I originally didn't think was going to last, but has turned out to be great for both her and me! the reason..friends! for both of us;) I have always said I don't need more best friends, I have lots of amazing tight girls in my life, but I would love a community. Being fairly new to my town, its something that I have been desiring. And we are starting to find it:) And her dance class has been very instrumental in that process for me. The other great thing is that two of those moms, with little girls live within the same block or so as me; which is even better!
So this weekend when I realized I had his appointment, yet my family wasn't able to watch Addy I had a light bulb moment. my new neighbors! So I messaged one of the mamas and she said no prob! I dropped addy off at quarter to two, with the intention of picking her up a half an hour later...well, i went to pick her up, and what happened?? I was dismissed! haha So the mom said she would be happy to keep addy for a bit and walk her home later as its gorgeous outside today:)! so..two hours later, my girl came home!!
So many feelings in this moment. First of all, i feel so blessed to find some great moms, to be friends with and new friends for Addy!
Second of all, seeing my girl grow up and be more and more independent, and make her own little friends..melts my heart!!
Thirdly, to come home to a quiet house and hang out alone with my boy for a few hours was a treat, and a great reminder...I need breaks once and a while. They rejuvenate me, and fill me up to give more. Again, for the hundredth time, its reminding myself to not feel guilty, and realize that in the long run its doing great things for both of us!!
So all in all a successful lovely day that started out with some great park time and sun with fresh air, and an afternoon of peacefulness!
And with some never ending dark clouds hanging over us, these little breaks of sun in our spirit are so good:)
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Alexander Reid Colbourne
On February 5 at 11pm something happened to me that I never thought would happen..my water broke. On its own! See my last labour was induced and it was horrible. I hated being induced, it was not a fun experience at all. And this time around I really really wanted to go into labour on my own. Actually there are two things that I really wanted, to have a "normal" labour, and to have a VBAC. I had been working really hard and through a lot of stuff the past three months or so to come to a good place in my heart of trusting God for a positive outcome. I really struggled with having a cesarean the first time around and was really hoping to to have a natural labour this time around. I did everything I thought possible to try and help the situation. I went to acupuncture, I took Evening primrose oil, mothers cordiel, I squated, and walked and did everything to get my baby's head to engage, but it didn't. I also got a doula this time...which I highly highly highly recommend! I told myself whatever the outcome, I was going to do everything in my power to try and have a VBAC, but also trusting that if that wasn't the plan, than I know I did everything I could, and it just wasn't in his plan.
I was so thrilled to go into labour on my own, and i will cherish that painful experience:) lets just say, contractions around scar tissue from previous c section=not fun!:) I laboured all through the night, and went to the hospital about six am. I progressed to about 5 cm by 8:30am, but for the next six hours there was no change in my cervix, the baby's position(he still hadn't engaged),..nothing. I was discouraged. There were tears in the shower as the 13 hour mark of labour hit, and the fatigue was taking over. As back labour began around 12, I knew that this wasn't going the way I hoped. I had an epidural at 1ish, to try and get my body to relax as he had gone transverse(hence the back labour), but nothing after an hour or so. I knew my fate, another c section was on its way. I had tears, many tears, but I also felt a tremendous amount of peace. At 3:40pm on February six, my sweet angel, Alexander Reid Colbourne was born, all 8 pounds 12 ounces of him! And i was so in love! My feelings were indescribable so much more real this time.
So this is what I learned. Even though the outcome was the same as with Addyson, the process and journey was SO much better. I was calm, I was focused, The presence of God was so strong around me, I had great support, and I had time to think and make objective decisions, not irrational ones based on fear and pain like last time. I know that I didn't fail. I know after 18 hours I really gave it my all! And i know its probably just my body, pelvis, size of babies, ect that wont allow me to do it the other way. Oh and on top of that he had the cord double wrapped around his neck:) We made the right decision...
I could write pages and pages in detail about the whole experience and how amazing it was and how much I learned, but I will leave it at that, as a lot of it I am still processing.
And how am I doing?? Well, overall pretty good! I am so much stronger emotionally this time. I do have my moments of tears, I am exhausted, I am adjusting, we have been plagued by illness, but overall I still feel good:) I am calm and strong, and peaceful, and trusting God through every moment of the day! I have a beautiful baby boy, who I adore. I have a gorgeous little girl who considering her world was just rocked is doing well:) She has her moments and needs lots of mommy right now, but overall I am so proud of her! So yes, I am oh so tired, and would like a full nights sleep...but those days will come, and i am trying desperately to sink in to every moment with my kids as I know this year is going to go by really fast!


I was so thrilled to go into labour on my own, and i will cherish that painful experience:) lets just say, contractions around scar tissue from previous c section=not fun!:) I laboured all through the night, and went to the hospital about six am. I progressed to about 5 cm by 8:30am, but for the next six hours there was no change in my cervix, the baby's position(he still hadn't engaged),..nothing. I was discouraged. There were tears in the shower as the 13 hour mark of labour hit, and the fatigue was taking over. As back labour began around 12, I knew that this wasn't going the way I hoped. I had an epidural at 1ish, to try and get my body to relax as he had gone transverse(hence the back labour), but nothing after an hour or so. I knew my fate, another c section was on its way. I had tears, many tears, but I also felt a tremendous amount of peace. At 3:40pm on February six, my sweet angel, Alexander Reid Colbourne was born, all 8 pounds 12 ounces of him! And i was so in love! My feelings were indescribable so much more real this time.
So this is what I learned. Even though the outcome was the same as with Addyson, the process and journey was SO much better. I was calm, I was focused, The presence of God was so strong around me, I had great support, and I had time to think and make objective decisions, not irrational ones based on fear and pain like last time. I know that I didn't fail. I know after 18 hours I really gave it my all! And i know its probably just my body, pelvis, size of babies, ect that wont allow me to do it the other way. Oh and on top of that he had the cord double wrapped around his neck:) We made the right decision...
I could write pages and pages in detail about the whole experience and how amazing it was and how much I learned, but I will leave it at that, as a lot of it I am still processing.
And how am I doing?? Well, overall pretty good! I am so much stronger emotionally this time. I do have my moments of tears, I am exhausted, I am adjusting, we have been plagued by illness, but overall I still feel good:) I am calm and strong, and peaceful, and trusting God through every moment of the day! I have a beautiful baby boy, who I adore. I have a gorgeous little girl who considering her world was just rocked is doing well:) She has her moments and needs lots of mommy right now, but overall I am so proud of her! So yes, I am oh so tired, and would like a full nights sleep...but those days will come, and i am trying desperately to sink in to every moment with my kids as I know this year is going to go by really fast!
Friday, January 20, 2012
Word for 2012
So I have had this word on my heart for a while now, and ironically enough I figured it was time to write it down because this week it has already been put into practice. My word is a little different than others as its not an adjective or a verb, but a noun. My word for this year is HOME. After working crazy shift work hours for the past year and a half I was missing being at home with my girl so much because I really loved the time and place we were in right before I went back for work. And the great thing about working part time is that it really makes you appreciate the time you do have at home. The hardest part for me was weekends. I hated working weekends because I wanted to be home with my two favorite people desperatly. So you would think when I went on medical leave back in December as an early start to mat leave, as i was physically just done with my job(pregnant on your feet, in a physically demanding job 30 hours a week, not so fun*grin*), that I would be thrilled. And dont get me wrong, apart of me was, but there was another part of me that was terrified of starting what felt like a new life, again, for the millionth time. I am a creature of routine, I thrive in routine and consistancy, but for the past few years we have not had that at all..well actually ever since we got married its been that way to the point that I finally starting to accept the fact that this is just life:)*grin*
Anyways....back to how my word came about:) well, when I went on mat leave the first time, it was good, but there was days a was definitely bored. I don't have a huge community out where I live and I wasn't going to get in my car multiple times a week to have entertainment. Plus, lets face it, play dates and going places is a lot easier with a baby vs a toddler:) So now this time around its a whole different world. Play dates get complicated because babies just don't lay there anymore..toddlers move, and talk and fight..and and, so thats a whole new world. Its great in the spring and summer when they can run free, but confining a few in a home for a few hours can get nutty:) We still do it, but again, not the same! Going anywhere with a toddler is just different, and well my kid likes to be home. We do a lot and try and go on adventures, but on a tight budget in the winter this gets tricky:) So again, going on leave made me panic a bit. I knew I would be busy once the baby comes, but trying to think of things to do to keep my 2.5 year old busy 7 days a week seemed a little daunting. So this is how I came about to my word. The last couple of months i have been on quite an interesting process with God, and its been really good. trying at times, painful, as most emotional and spiritual growth spurts are, but good, really good. So with this new baby soon to arrive, I really have been trying to come to accept my soon to be new circumstances, and this week was a great test of these circumstances. I love my home, I love being at home, I love my down time, I love being with girl...but, I also don't do well being isolated. I am an extrovert, I need people, they energize me, fill me and make me better. And I can feel that when my cup doesn't get full. So this last week with our lovely snow storm, and being stuck at home all week was quite a challenge for me..but I have to say, I did great! I felt really calm and at peace and wasn't going to crazy at all. Nutty at times, and disappointed in fun plans that had to be cancelled, but I made the most of it. I know this next season of my life is going to have me home a lot, and I am really trying to find peace in that, and find little things to do that don't take me away from being present for my kids but still fill me in my home environment and bring me joy:) So that is my long winded answer at how I came to my word...finding contentment in just being at home with the people who need me most, but yet getting that balance of me time to fill my cup and rejuvinate so that I am better for them!
Anyways....back to how my word came about:) well, when I went on mat leave the first time, it was good, but there was days a was definitely bored. I don't have a huge community out where I live and I wasn't going to get in my car multiple times a week to have entertainment. Plus, lets face it, play dates and going places is a lot easier with a baby vs a toddler:) So now this time around its a whole different world. Play dates get complicated because babies just don't lay there anymore..toddlers move, and talk and fight..and and, so thats a whole new world. Its great in the spring and summer when they can run free, but confining a few in a home for a few hours can get nutty:) We still do it, but again, not the same! Going anywhere with a toddler is just different, and well my kid likes to be home. We do a lot and try and go on adventures, but on a tight budget in the winter this gets tricky:) So again, going on leave made me panic a bit. I knew I would be busy once the baby comes, but trying to think of things to do to keep my 2.5 year old busy 7 days a week seemed a little daunting. So this is how I came about to my word. The last couple of months i have been on quite an interesting process with God, and its been really good. trying at times, painful, as most emotional and spiritual growth spurts are, but good, really good. So with this new baby soon to arrive, I really have been trying to come to accept my soon to be new circumstances, and this week was a great test of these circumstances. I love my home, I love being at home, I love my down time, I love being with girl...but, I also don't do well being isolated. I am an extrovert, I need people, they energize me, fill me and make me better. And I can feel that when my cup doesn't get full. So this last week with our lovely snow storm, and being stuck at home all week was quite a challenge for me..but I have to say, I did great! I felt really calm and at peace and wasn't going to crazy at all. Nutty at times, and disappointed in fun plans that had to be cancelled, but I made the most of it. I know this next season of my life is going to have me home a lot, and I am really trying to find peace in that, and find little things to do that don't take me away from being present for my kids but still fill me in my home environment and bring me joy:) So that is my long winded answer at how I came to my word...finding contentment in just being at home with the people who need me most, but yet getting that balance of me time to fill my cup and rejuvinate so that I am better for them!
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Home Projects:)
Over the month of December my hubby had some time off so we decided to make the most of it and get some stuff done around the house! it was great! Here are some of the stuff we have been busy doing!! First though a picture I took today from the view in our living room! what a gorgeous day!! My apple tree:)
We painted both Addyson's room and the baby's room over the holidays:) Addy's is a full on pink princess room as you can see;) I hate indoor pictures with my camera though as they never do things justice:) but its fun and bright and girly:) The bookcases were an idea off of pintrest! I love them! Ikea $7 spice racks painted white! I have found some great things off of the site and put them to good use....quite proud of myself actually:)
The first project we painted was this old toy chest. It was mine:) My grandpa built it for me when I was seven:) Twenty two years later its in my little girls room:) it was aged with tacky old stickers. We slapped some white paint on it, put a new handle on, and put these stickers my mom gave addy for christmas, and again, a great new addition to her new princess room:)
Addy's old changetable. It was $30 from walmart, beech wood like the little stand we have next to it. Again, slapped on some paint, and walla, it looks antiquey and new;) Its in the baby's room:) we painted it a dark grey which turned out a little bluer than expected, but a love the color, and know that I can accent either blue or pink, or yellow, depending on what the sex is!

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Spice racks! I bought these at Ikea, and than painted them! I love having them, and not having to worry about digging through my small spice cupboard for stuff! And they filled that whole on the wall so perfectly:)

My hallway with my first attempts at canvas pictures;) loved doing these and can't wait to do more:)! That wall will be filled with more once this baby makes its arrival!

this is the bookcase in the babies room:) it used to be a beech wood color, cheap from Home Depot. We painted it and removed the crappy back part! I love it!
Anyways, there's some of the things we have been busy doing:) It was fun, and I love seeing Cost effective projects come together! The paint we used for all the furniture is one of my new favorite things! its called Ann Sloan chalk paint, and i am addicted:) Its called Chick paint..for a reason:) Super low VOC, and easy to use! We didn't have to strip any of our old furniture you just paint over top! its really popular to do distressed and vintage furniture! Anyways, thats my plug for that product..again I love it! We have my granny's old dressers from the 1960's that we are going to be repainting for Addy's room. And its probably toxic old oil paint..so no stripping, no fumes, just going to put the coat of paint over top! I will be back with the before and after for that:)!
Spice racks! I bought these at Ikea, and than painted them! I love having them, and not having to worry about digging through my small spice cupboard for stuff! And they filled that whole on the wall so perfectly:)
Thursday, January 5, 2012
I recommend
I found this website on pinterest and it looked great! I recommended checking it out before but I hadn't tried anything from it yet. However, I have tried a few things from her site so far, and its on my blog roll, but this one is definitely one of our favorite dinners right now! Oh, and if our modification, because who doesn't love cheese??:) melt some cheddar cheese on top! Delish!!
Taco Pasta
Source: adapted slightly from Fake Ginger
1 pound ground beef or turkey
8-12 ounces medium pasta shells or other small dry pasta shapes
1 small onion, chopped (about 1 cup)
1 clove garlic, minced
1 (14 oz.) can diced tomatoes with mild green chilies, drained (if making this for kids you might want to use just plain diced tomatoes)
1 packet (4 tablespoons) taco seasoning
3 ounces cream cheese
1/2 cup sour cream
1/4 cup chopped cilantro
Salt and pepper
Bring a large pot of water to boil. Cook pasta according to the package directions. Drain, reserving 1/2 cup of pasta water. Set aside.
Meanwhile, in a large skillet or sauté pan, cook the ground meat over medium-high heat until no longer pink. A few minutes before the meat is cooked through, add the chopped onion to the skillet. Once the meat is cooked through, mix in the garlic and cook until fragrant, about 30 seconds. Add in the diced tomatoes and taco seasoning and let simmer over medium heat for about 3-5 minutes.
Stir in the cooked pasta, cream cheese, sour cream and reserved pasta water, and continue stirring until the cream cheese is melted and the sauce is well blended. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Simmer over medium-low heat 3-5 minutes to reduce the sauce a bit if it is still too thin.
Toss in the cilantro right before serving for some fresh color and flavor. Serve with a green salad.
Taco Pasta
Source: adapted slightly from Fake Ginger
1 pound ground beef or turkey
8-12 ounces medium pasta shells or other small dry pasta shapes
1 small onion, chopped (about 1 cup)
1 clove garlic, minced
1 (14 oz.) can diced tomatoes with mild green chilies, drained (if making this for kids you might want to use just plain diced tomatoes)
1 packet (4 tablespoons) taco seasoning
3 ounces cream cheese
1/2 cup sour cream
1/4 cup chopped cilantro
Salt and pepper
Bring a large pot of water to boil. Cook pasta according to the package directions. Drain, reserving 1/2 cup of pasta water. Set aside.
Meanwhile, in a large skillet or sauté pan, cook the ground meat over medium-high heat until no longer pink. A few minutes before the meat is cooked through, add the chopped onion to the skillet. Once the meat is cooked through, mix in the garlic and cook until fragrant, about 30 seconds. Add in the diced tomatoes and taco seasoning and let simmer over medium heat for about 3-5 minutes.
Stir in the cooked pasta, cream cheese, sour cream and reserved pasta water, and continue stirring until the cream cheese is melted and the sauce is well blended. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Simmer over medium-low heat 3-5 minutes to reduce the sauce a bit if it is still too thin.
Toss in the cilantro right before serving for some fresh color and flavor. Serve with a green salad.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
One Month to go!
One month to go till our new baby is set to arrive. Obviously it really could be anytime from now till 10 days after the expected day; as well all know, these critters have a mind of their own and show up when they want to!
I am so ready for this baby! I am so anxious everyday counting down the days till my Christmas..the day my baby arrives:) I think it being the second time around, knowing the outcome, a baby does really come out*grin*, and having a good age gap between these two kids makes me feel as prepared as I can be! I feel more relaxed and sure of the process and really knowing how little you need in the first while to survive. Diapers..check, sleepers...check, receiving blankets...check, boobs with milk...check:) really beyond that, its just details!
I am excited to have a doula this time around, and know that is really going to help! It takes the pressure off my mom and my hubby as last time things didn't go smoothly, and this time they don't have to carry all that stress of helping me except for being there for me emotionally, and loving me:)
Having had a c section the first time around I am really hopeful to have a v bac this time, but I have also come a real peace in the last two months about things, and trusting God that how ever this baby comes out, at the end of the day all that really matters is a healthy baby. and that is what I pray for. That, and having joy in whatever the circumstances are:)
It really is amazing how different things are the second time around. Not better or worse, just different, and i like it:)
I also cant wait for Addy to be a big sister. I am a little nervous at times at how things are going to go. The jealousy and temper's..not sure what this will bring, but overall I know she is going to be love this baby, and be a great big helper to me! She already loves to feed other babies their sippy cups or bottles, its quite endearing:)
Another part of me is a little sad to see this special time we have had together the last two and half years alone come to an end. That's why I really want to make sure to make it my mission to carve out special time just for me and her, as I cherish it so much and I don't want to loose that bond we have! So now its just a waiting game, getting through another week till I am full term and than wishing and praying every day for it to make its appearance sooner than later;) Otherwise I might end up with a valentines day baby! no better love than that:)!
I am so ready for this baby! I am so anxious everyday counting down the days till my Christmas..the day my baby arrives:) I think it being the second time around, knowing the outcome, a baby does really come out*grin*, and having a good age gap between these two kids makes me feel as prepared as I can be! I feel more relaxed and sure of the process and really knowing how little you need in the first while to survive. Diapers..check, sleepers...check, receiving blankets...check, boobs with milk...check:) really beyond that, its just details!
I am excited to have a doula this time around, and know that is really going to help! It takes the pressure off my mom and my hubby as last time things didn't go smoothly, and this time they don't have to carry all that stress of helping me except for being there for me emotionally, and loving me:)
Having had a c section the first time around I am really hopeful to have a v bac this time, but I have also come a real peace in the last two months about things, and trusting God that how ever this baby comes out, at the end of the day all that really matters is a healthy baby. and that is what I pray for. That, and having joy in whatever the circumstances are:)
It really is amazing how different things are the second time around. Not better or worse, just different, and i like it:)
I also cant wait for Addy to be a big sister. I am a little nervous at times at how things are going to go. The jealousy and temper's..not sure what this will bring, but overall I know she is going to be love this baby, and be a great big helper to me! She already loves to feed other babies their sippy cups or bottles, its quite endearing:)
Another part of me is a little sad to see this special time we have had together the last two and half years alone come to an end. That's why I really want to make sure to make it my mission to carve out special time just for me and her, as I cherish it so much and I don't want to loose that bond we have! So now its just a waiting game, getting through another week till I am full term and than wishing and praying every day for it to make its appearance sooner than later;) Otherwise I might end up with a valentines day baby! no better love than that:)!
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