Wednesday, January 13, 2010

till they are two...they weren't kidding!

Well, I was quite looking forward to 2010. My Dream, my goal, my prayer was to have a peaceful year...well, we aren't off to a good start. But on the positive side, there are still like 351 days left for it to get better, so I am focusing on the positive..really i am! So why is it a big sucky start???? Well, it started ok, with Dave and I having some time off together before he headed back to school to finish his last level of his apprenticeship. I can't wait till he is done, and he is almost there..ok that was a side note. So yes, back to what i was saying, we were having some time off, and it was great. Than I was all motivated to get busy and keep focused on projects while Dave studies away. So this a great plan, but this plan has to take into consideration a little princess..and well a sometimes cranky and clingy one at that. Well, I guess there is no such thing as a non high maintanence princess:)*grin* Ok, truth be told, she isn't. When all is well in her little world, she is fantastic..such an easy baby, full of chatter, and laughs, and screeches, and self entertains, and smiles...fantastic, i can't get enough of her. But than there is this ugly cloud that rolls over our heads..the teething cloud. It comes in and out and rains on us as much as Vancouver gets dumped on! So really, when they said till two, did they have to mean every day??? On boxing day I had a ray of hope, at least teeth! two in fact, well now, the cranky month, all makes sense...I knew they were coming! So things should go back to peace and normal right??, umm nope..apperantly there are more to I wait..and wait and wait, and I am still waiting:) so what comes along with teething, well restless nights, which equals sleep deprived mama, which equals low immune system, which equals nasty cold. Oh joy:) So we are off to an interesting start to this year, but we will make it through and enjoy the sunshine when its head pops through!

Today was good though, as I got a much needed break, a shopping break actually! and it was great! To metrotown my mommy and me friends went..all sans babies, and what a joyous time we had! we shopped, drank coffee, ate, and chatted..perfect day really:) and the best part...coming home to that sweet little face, with those chubby cheeks that are waiting to be kissed. I battled it at first, felt like a horrible mom actually when I was relieved to get a break, but than I realized, i am being a good mom by doing so..because we all need a break to regroup once and awhile:) And I feel so much better, and know that I will be a better mom tomorrow for doing so! Ready to face the rest of this journey of teething..h-e-deouble hockey stick, and enjoying the happy, smiley, full of fun moments in between! Because they are there, a lot of them actually...just not at 2am:)*grin*

So lord, as I close this entry, help my baby girl have a good sleep, with lots of rest, and for her mama too..we could use it:) thank you...and goodnight.


Laura said...

I hope you got a fantastic sleep last night!!
Definitely don't feel guilty for taking a break! I think it's so important to have those, and will make you a more refreshed, energized Mommy when you're back with Addy. I'm glad you had a good day out with the girls!

Christy said...

Ahhh, teething...good for you for understanding early on that you don't stop being a woman when you become a mamma!