Monday, August 11, 2008

Can anyone relate.....

Ok, so I promised myself that if I started a blog that it wouldn't just be the sunshine and lolipop side of my life, but the whole picture. Now obviously there are certain details and things that just don't need to be broadcasted over the internet, but if you are going to read my blog(and I hope you do:)) than I want you to get to know all of me:) Some of you I see on a regular basis..other's I have never met and may never get the opportunity, so I want you to know the real me as much as possible.

So, I would love to post on here how I had a wonderful weekend...blah blah blah..and apart of me did. we had friends over on Friday night, and Friends over for a bbq on Saturday afternoon, and it was great! However, come Sunday I was exhausted. See my battle in life is finding balance. I go go go till I crash, and its not so healthy. Being a newly wed and in the nesting zone I really have enjoyed being able to have people over and bless them, and entertain. It's a joy for me, but I do feel its been a little bit much this year. And like I said, I go till I crash. I am starting to listen to my body more of when its time to slow down but its hard for me. Because that usually involves saying "no" to people. Something that I am not very good at.
The other thing that I struggle with some days is this blessed role of being a wife. First of all, let me start out by saying I love being a wife and I love my husband. God has truly blessed me abundantly with an awesome husband and life...this is for sure. But sometimes the "pressure" of this role overwhelmes me. I guess because I take it very seriously. I have recently read this book by Gary Thomas called "sacred Influence", and to any wives, to be wives, I highly highly recommend reading it. Before reading this book I struggled with the way God created men and women. Sometimes, and I wonder if any of you can relate, I feel like I get the short end of the stick because of my ability to multi task. Cook, clean, plan, organize, balance the check book, go to work, entertain, and still look cute at the end of day...this is a full load!!! But what I am slowly starting to learn and some weekends, like this one, I have a hicup on my road of growth, and don't want to learn anymore, is that God has blessed me with these abilities(sometimes I don't want to use them though). What this book Sacred influence talks about is how us as wives were created to shape our husbands...what???? You want me to what?? that's right, not only did God create us as a companion but we are to be a helper(this would be the part I am struggling with:) ) So, I am on this journey right now of learning my role of uplifting, encouraging and helping my husband grow into the man of God he is called to be. What an awesome and sacred task God has asked of me that some days I feel so unworthy, and other days i feel so overwhelmed when I am also trying to get dinner on the table!
So heres what I am learning...and am open to any input into my life in this area, as I hope you all are as well:) Finding that balance of taking care of "me" and my relationship with my father, so that I can better bless my husband. I know that this is not a quick solution thing, or that the answer is in a formula, but that its going to be a life long that I am so excited to take!

So why do I write all this..I don't know. I guess I felt it on my heart to share, that if anyone else out there is feeling the same way, your not alone:) But also be encourage of how good God is, and that as we bless our husbands, God will bless us.
And again, get that book! Seriously, it has shaped and changed my perspective on so many things in a positive way. I don't want to just be married or be a wife, I want my life to be filled with purpose, and my marriage to be one that is purpose driven as well:)

And also, if you read this, please say hi, I would love to hear your comments and know who you are!!

1 comment:

The Samy's said...

Hey, you know I have been praying about how I can be a better wife and what that looks like, is it the things we do, the dinners we cook, the words we say....and when it all boils down to it its all the above, but the most important thing is our relationship with the Lord. I believe when we draw closer to HIM, thats when we are a better wife!Pray that your marriage is a blessed one =) thanks for your post, it does minister to alot of us.