Friday, August 1, 2008

Two years Today!!

Its hard to believe, but two years ago today I met the love of my life!! Some days it shocks me that I have been with the same person almost every day for the past two years and I am not sick of him yet...acutally, I love him more than ever!!

So how did this union begin?? Well, let me tell you.....

So it all began one Sunday afternoon when I went for lunch with my parents(my dads the pastor of our church) and your guest speaker and his wife. I loved to tag along for lunches because I had just recently moved home to Chilliwack and basically at that point my parents were my closest friends..kind of sad, yet fabulous..cause they are pretty cool:)
Anyways, I sat next to the speakers wife and we got chattin about this "single" son of hers who was 24, a carpenter, who wanted to do missions, and loved spicy food..hmm...lets just say I was intrigued!! So I talked to my dear friend Nicole and put her to work! Nicole knew who this guy was, David colbourne was his name, and raved about how fabulous he was, and why didn't she ever think about him for me before! So, Nicole planned a "BBQ" for friends to get together on this Friday two years ago..and invited this David person who brought his little brother Joel with him. David had no idea of course that the purpose of this bbq was for me to check him out:) David happened to be in Chilliwack at the time because that's where his job site was, so he was staying with his parents. Very convenient for me!!
I was really nervous waiting for this mystery guy to arrive, and just praying he wasn't scary looking:) So shortly after I arrived, ok actually he was quite late(something that I have learned to get use too) in walked this guy with his little side kick brother. My first reaction was oh, he's kind of cute:) Well, after dinner, the ten of us started an intense game of croquette. Of course ob and nicole matched david and I up as a team:) We did play the game and lost because, well, we were flirting the whole time. We had an instant connection with our ridiculous humor and the fact that we both cheated the whole game!! That Sunday we got together again with Ob and Nicole, and Joel(yeh, Joel basically was dating me and Dave as well for the first year) and spent a wonderful Sunday afternoon at bridal falls and the mini golf course at Cultus Lake. That night I hung out with the two Colbourne boys and then Dave drove me home. He told me he liked me and asked for my number:) so cheesy and precious. Ok, so the best part of the story is that the whole night at the bbq Ob and Nicole were bugging me about flirting with him and how it was going...what I didn't know at the time was that Joel, David's brother, was doing the same to him!!
Apparently, after that Sunday with his parents his mom went home and told Dave that she met a great girl for him...apparently Dave rolled his eyes. Well, when the arrived at the bbq, the realized that the girl was me! Anyways, that's the story of how we met and the rest is history!!

Have a fabulous long weekend every one!!!!


Laura said...

Wow, 2 years today!! Time sure does fly. I remember hearing all about those first days and weeks - you were (are!) sure smitten, as was (is!) Dave!! I'm so glad that my dear friend found the love of her life and that you guys are so happy :)

Laura said...

oh, and good job with the pictures!! Looks great!

Nadine said...

Happy 2 Year!!! Love you!