Monday, July 20, 2009


How's that for a title..well, thats what my morning involved. I hate baby gas..and I can't wait for it to pass..this stage:( but not for her to grow up to fast..but wish the gas would go away! I hate watching her suffer with it, and how it wakes her up from her sleep and me too:( Anyways, that's my not so positive post for the day! I just pray every day her little tummy gets stronger..and that she will be able to pass that gas through! We did go for a great walk this morning and i ma so thankful she loves being in her car seat and stroller! She was just peaceful and starring for the hour that she was in it! Anyways, hope everyones monday is off to a good start..oh and I can't wait for the men tell all tonight! but oh my, what I am goign to do without my bachelorette in two weeks:(hehe ok, I am sure I will survive;)

1 comment:

The Samy's said...

Haha, its so funny how all the post end up being about our little chickies! Isn't life great? Im loving every minute of it.