Thursday, July 16, 2009


So I went to a Norwex party last night at my girlfriends house;) Have you heard of these products? Have you used them? I picked up one of those micro firbre clothes..for anyone who hasn't heard of them that is their main product. A micro fibre cleaning cloth with silver in it to kill the bacteria..and all you need to do is add water! I got a couple other products to try so I will come back with some feedback on those! We are trying to go as natural as possible around here as i have lots of sensitivites and allergies and with a new baby in the house!


The Samy's said...

Looking forward to hearing your reviews!

Unknown said...

I there. I'm soo happy you are tryng the Norwex products. As I raised 2 children with asthma and allergies I know all about going green. I would just like to clarify that the silver does not 'kill' the bacteria it stops it from growing and disables it. Only chemical disinfectants 'kill' bacteria which makes superbugs in our homes. HAPPY CLEANING!