Friday, July 31, 2009

Todays Challenge...nap time

So last night was little peanut slept 7 hours straight..had a little drink..went back to sleep and slept another 3 hours!! woohoo!! what a great night:) Dave and I worked really hard on getting Addy to go to sleep properly at night, it was hard the first couple of weeks, but all that work seems to be paying off. Bath time, feeding time, than she usually lays in her crib, stares, plays and than puts herself to sleep...its great. So with that being said...why can't my days be like that! My little missy is quite the tricky one to get to nap. she fights sleep and can stay up awake for ridiculous lengths of time..gets herself so overtired that its game over;) well, I thought to myself yesterday why haven't I been trying the same approach as we did for night time routine? So this afternoon..we started the routine..layed her down..she cried, picked her up soothed her, back down again..cried..and so on..well it took a half an hour of this but she finally gave in and went down to sleep!! yeh!!! I am sure it will take a few days for this concept to quick in..but we will get it!! The one thing that I can say about her and sleeping in the day, if we are out and about or go for a walk..she is amazing!! She is such a good little traveler and loves her car seat and stroller so for that I am extremely grateful!!!

Hope everyone is having a great afternoon and enjoy this amazing long weekend!!!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Wow - you are lucky to be getting so much night sleep so early in the game! I didn't get a full nights sleep until like 5 months, and even then she'd still have bad teething nights and wake up.

Just a suggestion, if you are consistent with trying to soothe her without picking her up you might have better results long term because once she gets a little bit older, picking her up to soothe her might cause problems...